10月 02

日本の論点 2019-20』 大前研一 プレジデント社 262ページ 2018.11






5・STEM教育 science(科学)、Technology(技術)、Engineering(工学)、Mathematics(数学)


7・アメリカ本土への驚異を除去したうえで日本や韓国に(迎撃システム購入によってアメリカに)貢がせば「good deal」である。トランプ大統領のディールに日本人の拉致問題は入っていない。アメリカの選挙民には関係ないからだ。


“Issues of Japan 2019-20” Kenichi Ohmaei President, 262 pages 2018.11

I summarized the essence.

1 · Why does isolation between the financial economy and the real economy occur? There are two reasons. One is political movements to lower interest rates and increase the supply of currency to stimulate the economy based on old economics. Since Keynes, there are only two of the macroeconomic stimulus measures of the 20th century, the way to improve the worldwide goldfing, by lowering the interest rate and increasing the monetary base.

2 · Because people’s lives of developed countries are basically satisfied, people are hard to respond to interest rates and monetary base. It does not show consumption trends that respond to economic stimulus measures.

3 · The second reason for isolating the financial economy from the real economy is excess supply capacity, including developing countries, and overwhelming demand shortage by developed countries.

4 · With the backdrop of diplomatic diplomacy in the United States, the hard-line stance towards China, South Korea, North Korea is not destroyed, the relationship remains cool. If the distance with China will shrink in the future, that is because China looking for a way of escape in the US – China trade war is squatting in Japan.

5 · STEM Education science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (mathematics)
In the United States and China, the strong competition for “STEM human resources” is spreading.

6 · As the peace treaty is concluded as the reconciliation of the inter-Korean relations progresses, if human exchange and economic exchanges with Korea progresses, the North’s dictatorship system can not be maintained any more. Is it assassinated by the aides, is it buried in the masses, is killed in suicide, there are only three patterns of dictators’ suddenisms roughly.

7 · “good deal” if it contributes to Japan and Korea (to the United States by purchasing interception system) after removing wonders to the mainland of the United States. President Trump ‘s deal does not include the Japanese abduction issue. It does not matter to the American electorate.

8 · China advocates an economic zone concept of “a one-way concept”, which is intended to shift excessive productivity abroad and is nothing but a new colonial policy.

世界の哲学50の名著 エッセンスを究める』 T・バトラー=ボードン、 Discover 479ページ、







6・ 人間は本質的に利己的である。




10・マキャベリ 良い支配者は繁栄と平和をもたらす強く優れた国家を作り上げるだろう。その国家を維持するためには、ときにはその時代の道徳に反する行いをする必要がある。

11・マクルーハン  メディアとコミュニケーション・テクノロジーは中立的な発明ではない。それは人間のあり方を変える力を持っている。

12・ミル  開かれた社会では、人々の利益になると考えられる政策よりも自由が優先されなければならない。





17・ラッセル 努力は実際の成功以上に本質的な幸福の要素である。

18・サルトル 自分の運命を自分で選んで「自分に正直に」生きること。


20・ プラトンは、正しい行いはそれ自体が報酬であると信じていた。 なぜなら、それによって魂の3つの部分(理性、気概、欲望)に調和がもたらせるからである。


22・  マクルーハン 現代はすべてのことが同時に起きる全く新しい世界である。 地球という1つの村である世界・・・同時的なハプニングの世界に住んでいる。



“Study the essence of the world’s philosophy 50’s masterpiece” T. Butler-Bourton, Discover 479 pages,

I compiled the essence.

1 · According to the definition of the Oxford English-Japanese dictionary, philosophy is “an act of seeking real existence truths and knowledge by reason and argument, especially knowledge of causality and nature of matter, existence, material world, 1.physics Attempt to explore the knowledge of the principle that captures the perception of a phenomenon and the behavior of a person “.

2 · Man has been determined by the nervous system, gene and environment of the brain more than it had been thought up to now.

3 · History is ultimately countless accumulation, a record of achievements that people have achieved beyond expectations.

4. The greatest happiness comes from the choices reached by reason. If you choose the best for yourself in the long run and walk towards it, happiness will be obtained as a byproduct of it.

5 · Man is a physical experience, sum of thinking and emotion. We can create ourselves in a highly conscious way by refining our perceptions, thoughts and actions throughout the lifetime.

6 · Humans are inherently selfish.

7 · To live is essentially to realize your will within the spirit and limit of the age in which you are alive.

8 · Everything is constantly changing, keeping invisible harmony with the universe.

9 · The rationalism sticks to logic and sky. Empirical theory sticks to an external sense. Pragmatism picks up anything, following the logic as well as the sense, trying to consider even the most familiar and most personal experience.

10 · Machiavelli Good rulers will make a strong and excellent state that bring prosperity and peace. In order to maintain that state, sometimes it is necessary to do actions contrary to the morals of that age.

11 · McLuhan Media and communication · technology is not a neutral invention. It has the power to change human beings.

12 · In a society opened in the Mill, freedom must be given priority over policies that are considered to benefit people.

13 · We are a complex of emotion, emotion, and thought.

14 · There is a natural and sound urge for humans to wish to be creative and powerful.

15 · For Sandell, “politics based on common good” is politics that recognizes the value of citizenship, sacrifice, service, and is aware of the moral limit of the market.

16 · The purpose of politics is not simply to protect economic freedom and personal freedom. Politics must make us better and keep moral values. There is something that can not be bought by money in this world.

17 · Russell effort is an element of essential happiness more than actual success.

18 · Sartre Choose your own destiny and live “Honestly to yourself”.

19 · We have a conscious intention and the purpose of life is to achieve those intentions.

20 · Plato believed that the right thing is itself a reward. Because it allows harmony to the three parts of the soul (reason, spirit, desire).

21 · For Hegel, the true purpose of academics is not “discovery of the universe”, but our spirit, in other words the discovery of consciousness itself. Academic, historical, and philosophy are mere words of how our consciousness has woken up over time.

22 · McLuhan This is a completely new world where all things happen at the same time. A world that is a village called the earth … lives in a world of simultaneous happening.

23 · Thinkers of “transhumanism” argue that the era of human beings who can master technology is already over. Machines are a part of us, and they will increasingly strengthen their role as extensions of the body. We will recognize ourselves and the world through machinery.

24 · Hegel looked at philosophy as a whole like a bird overlooking the sky from the sky. Hegel thought that philosophy that conflicts exists in existence meaning, and that competition takes a long time to realize “the stage of development of truth”.

わたしの戦後経済史』金森久雄 東洋経済新報 410ページ 1995.8





4・  日本人は、はっきりした目標達成を与えられると、それの実現のために馬車馬のように働くという特性がある。






10・現実的分析に関しては、 マルクス経済学、近代経済学、ケインジアン、  マネタリズムと区別することは意味がないように思う。現実を直視すれば結論は似てくる。学説にとらわれるとかえって事実を見落としてしまう。


12・経済白書は、国際収支の赤字の原因と、 なぜ経済が膨張を続けなければならないかを分析した。その背後には、はっきりした理論的バックボーンがあった。国際収支問題は、ハロットの『国際経済学』にあらわれた恒等式、すなわち 





17・ケインズは経済を、単に観察し分析するものではなく、いかにして需給をバランスさせ、完全雇用を実現するかという、政策的な観点から論じている。ケインズ の『一般理論』は、経済を自由に放任しておいては貯蓄過剰・需要不足になる危険があり、そのギャップを埋めるためには財政金融政策を用いるべしというケインズの主張は、常識的にもわかりやすい。


“My postwar economic history” Hisao Kanamori Toyo Keizai Shimpo 410 pages 1995.8

I compiled the essence.

1 · I wonder why the rice and fish just after the end of the war have continued delayed, thinking that it was on the verge of starvation and often reached the rich economy of today.

2 · In the past 50 years, Nihon Maru has been attacked many times by a storm and may have seemed to sink. But when the storm passed away the mast and sail continued the new voyage without discomfort.

3 · I think that I am particularly sorry to look back on that I did not make more aggressive public investment in order to improve the environment and strengthen social capital and did not proactively proceed with liberalization of trade , Even after the state’s support became unnecessary, control has remained in various aspects such as finance, construction, communication, transportation, and has prevented the private activities of free.

4 · Japanese people have the characteristic of working like a horse horse to realize it, given a clear goal achievement.

5 · The basis of my view of economy is Keynesian economics. Essence is transmitted while classics are read carefully with enthusiasm.

6 · When Econometrics were imported, there were people who applied actual statistical figures to simple simultaneous equations and this was an analysis of the Japanese economy by the Keynesian system, but it seems like they are doing war with toy guns It seemed to be far from the spirit of Keynes.

7 · My view of economy is about 2 (Keynesian Schumpeter).

8 · I tried to solve the combination of theory and demonstration.

9 · I never doubted that economics is an academic discipline that studies how humans can get what they can eat and work.

10 · Regarding realistic analysis, it seems to be meaningless to distinguish it from Marxian economics, modern economics, Keynesian, and monetarism. The conclusion will resemble if you look directly at the reality. I will overlook the fact rather than being bound by the theory.

11 · Schumpeter states that innovation includes five of manufacturing new products, introducing new production methods, exploring new sales channels, acquiring new materials, destroying old organizations or forming a new organization.

12 · The White Paper on the economy analyzed why the balance of payments deficit and why the economy should continue to expand. Behind them, there was a clear theoretical backbone. The balance of payment problem is an identity that appeared in Harot ‘s “International Economics”,
S (Savings) – I (Investment) = X (Export) – M (Import)

13 · In Keynesian economics, we take the view that there is a mutual relation that investment decides consumption and consumption considers investment.

14 · There is an element of “Fortune” as one of the conditions under which the economic forecast is hit.

15 · The fact that the stronghold of a great country like the United States and Russia is shaken is not uncommon due to the fact that military expenses are too large. Paul Kennedy wrote a simple truth that he wrote a nested seller in a book called “Rite of the Great Kingdom”, “A great country is expanding arms and expanding its armaments in order to maintain it, eventually being destroyed.” At the “Meeting to think about defense”, he said that “Japan’s military expenses should be 1% of GNP”.

16 · There are various theories as to the cause of economic growth. First, there is a way of thinking like plant growth. The economic growth depicted the classical economist as if it would result as the labor force, capital and technology gradually increase.

17 · Keynes does not simply observe and analyze the economy but discusses from a policy point of view how to balance supply and demand and realize full employment. Keynes’s “general theory” has the danger of becoming excessive savings and shortage of demand if freedom from the economy is free, and Keynes’s argument that fiscal and monetary policy should be used to fill the gap is common sense Easy to understand.

18 · I am interested in the ring economic zone of Japan. Resources, labor, capital, the complementarity of each country is large, and it is an area that has the potential to develop very high if it collaborates. There will be a so-called peaceful dividend that capital invested for armaments will be used for economic purposes.

これからの働き方を哲学する』 小川仁志  リベラル社 238ページ 2018.12





4・「経済学批判」の中でマルクスは、人間の思想や法、政治の制度などと言った 「上部構造」は、生産手段や生産活動といった「下部構造 」 によって決まってくると論じた。


6・  マルクスは、富とは分かち合うもので、労働こそが生きがいであると考えた。

7・ヘーゲルは労働によって誇りが 芽生え、「ひとかどの人物」 になれると考えた。

8・ホッファーは、他人が  なんと言おうと、自分のために働くべきだと考えた。






14・自分の未来から見た現在とはどうゆうことか? それはなりたい自分から逆算することである。

15・ 人間のエンジンは意志力である。

“Philosophy on how to work in the future” Hitoshi Ogawa Liberal Corporation 238 pages 2018.12

I compiled the essence.

1 · Society is changing drastically.
In the background,
· Evolution of AI and other technologies
· The arrival of the 100-year era of life due to advances in medicine
With the declining birthrate and aging population accelerating more and more, the labor force will decrease
As globalization progresses and immigrants increase, opportunities for active success are all over the world
When the economy’s rising time ends, sharing few pie, in a mature society

2 · Now that common sense of the past does not pass, it is time to think about new ways of movement
· Yesterday ‘s common sense is insane today
· In the first place, humans are creatures that “can not help thinking”

3 · Philosophy to doubt common sense

4 · In the criticism of economics, Marx argued that “superstructure” such as human thought, law, political institution etc, will be decided by “lower structure” such as production means and production activities.

5 · Grouping human activities into three categories: Work, Labor, and Acrion.

6 · Marx shared the wealth, and thought that labor is a reality.

7 · Hegel thought that he could be proud and be “a person” by his labor.

8 · Hofer considered it should work for himself no matter what others said.

9 · Arendt stated that social activities are important and emphasized the balance between labor and other human activities.

10 · Let’s not consider working as special, think it is part of daily life.

11 · If you can feel the growth, you can enjoy things.

12 · Some people enjoy playing like playing.

13 · Working is just a daily act if you realize what you want to do.

14 · What is the current view from my future? It is to do a back calculation from himself who wants to be.

15 · The human engine is a will.

若きサムライのために』 三島由紀夫 文春文庫 276ページ 1996.11













“For Young Samurai” Yukio Mishima Bunshun Bunko Paper 276 pages 1996.11

I compiled the essence.

1 · Life is not an experience, it is only a dream. It is not reason, but sensibility.

2 · For us, Samurai is the figure of our father but for Westerners it is also the image of the so-called Noble Savage. We should be proud to be more barbarians.

3 · The distinction of seeing whether young Samurai of the present age is a brave or an unwilling is a single behavioral ethic that always keeps the emergency and the usual situation straight. To have a thing in crisis in the mind and to return to the fundamental life of regulating daily life every day for the crisis.

4 · Behind the manners of preserving the dignity of men, there is the extension of human nature, the naturalness of human nature.

5. Reaching the idea that by having a perfect body, it increases the spirit and aims at the integrity of the spirit to increase the body.

6 · The person who was saying “Become a thinner Socrates than a fat pig” became a thin pig.

7 · If you think that there is a spirit, it is something you do not think it is not there, and no one has seen the actual thing. Since its proof of existence is fulfilled through what is visible to the very end (for example, the body), the way to disregard what is visible and to raise the spirit is invalid.

8 · For proof of spirit, action is necessary, and physical action is required for action. My basic idea is that we must train our bodies.

9 · Spirit can be represented, of course, by letters or by discourse. Although it is expressed, it is not proven eventually. Therefore, it is not enough to express mentality by just expressing letters. This is my own, derived conclusion.

10 · I have seen with my eyes how the intellectuals’ speech after the war in the war was overridden and how I eventually did not take responsibility.

11 · For the novelist, the one line to write today is a systemic expression.

プラグマティズム 入門講座』 仲正昌樹  作品社 420ページ 2015.2





4・カントは『実践理性批判』で理性の3つの関心として、1) 私は何を知ることができるか
2)私は何をなすべきか 3) 私は何を望んでよいか。の3つの問いをあげている。

・チャールズ・サンダース・パース (1839-1914)
・ウィリアム・ジェームズ (1842-1910)
・ジョン・デューイ (1859-1952)

6・ 大陸系 合理主義→主知主義  認識を理性によるアプリオリな思考としての把握
      英米系 経験論→感覚論 認識を経験を通じての概念形成として把握

7・カントの認識論 認識は理性と対象のいずれかによって規定されるかという問題について、大陸合理論と英国経験論を統合。 ジェイムズのプラグマティズムによる試みは、カントの認識論とはかなり次元が異なり、合理論の宗教思考と、経験論の事実志向を両方満足させることを目指す。






“Pragmatism Introductory Course” Masaki Nakamasa Sakuhinsya 420 pages 2015.2

I compiled the essence.

1 · We are given a mission to express continuity as a truly realistic eternal order.

2. Pragmatism emphasizes results.

3. Pragmatism is a philosophy that aims to take care of people’s feelings about religion without doing things like eliminating religion though it is the same as empirical theory by looking at facts.

4 · Kant has three reasons of interest as “critique of practical reasonity”, 1) what can I know
2) What I should do 3) What should I want? The three questions are raised.

5. Philosopher of pragmatism
· Charles · Sanders · Perth (1839-1914)
· William James (1842-1910)
· John Dewey (1859-1952)

6. Understanding continental rationalism → awareness as a a priori thinking by reason
      Understanding Britain-US-based empathy → sensory theory as concept formation through experience

7 · Cant integration of continental rationalism and British empathy on the question of whether recognition perception is defined by either reason or object. The attempt by James ‘pragmatism is quite different from Kant’ s theory of epistemology, aiming to satisfy both the religious thinking of rationalism and the factual orientation of empiricism.
8 · James cautioned not to cast metaphysics as a spell. We called metaphysics what attitude needed to become a university that directly relates to our behavior and to capture reality in a way to direct it.

9 · Although pragmatism is a proposal about philosophy, method of exploration of academics, it does not stick to a specific system or conclusion, so it is neutral to every thought system.

10 · Considering the pragmatism flow, I do not need to completely define the concept of an absolute person, I think that the aspect of X is known as “known as X”.

11 · Philosophy has the unique nature of conservatism, which extracts “essential moral core” from traditional beliefs of the past and justifies it as rational.

12 · Aristotle states that there are four causes of “natural science”, “quality factor”, “form factor”, “agent”, “target”.

13 · Pragmatism is an individualism in the sense that it aims at the maximum realization of individual desires. Dewey says that individuals are created in the social environment, so they can not simply be regarded as sums of individuals.

大学の未来地図  知識集約型社会を創る』 五神 真(東大総長)、ちくま新書 205ページ 2019.2















“Creating a knowledge-intensive society of the university’s future map” Makoto Konokami(President of the University of Tokyo), Chikuma Shinpo 205 pages 2019.2

I compiled the essence.

1 · The university is a center that can become the center of creating a better future society model. To that end, it is necessary to make full use of the rich academic assets possessed by the university.

2 · The function of the university is to cultivate human resources who create knowledge and carry it, and provide a place for diversified people to gather and act.

3 · Japanese universities have great potential and if Japan can connect it to social change, Japan can lead the world.

4 · Capture the essence of the digital revolution and use it well, we can respect each individual’s diversity and create a sustainable society while utilizing its diversity.

5 · Hunting Society (1,0), Agricultural Society (2.0), Industrial Society (3.0), Information Society (4.0), Knowledge Intensive Type (Society 5.0)

6 · For Japan, universities are important industrial infrastructure that supports knowledge intensive society.

7 · It is important to invite practitioners and give lectures in collaboration with industry.

8 · What is important is to share the image of the future society to be realized, to cooperate seriously at the organization level towards it, and complementary strengths.

9 · To provide society with knowledge and skills of the university.

10 · Formation of ‘World Base of Knowledge Creation’ Contributing to the Future Society of the Earth and Humanity

11 · Millennium 17 of the United Nations Development Goals
Poverty, hunger, health and welfare, education, gender, water, energy, economic growth, industry, equality, town planning, consumption and production, climate change, aquatic resources, land resources, peace and justice, partnership.

12 · For university faculty, it is most important for university teachers to bring their own intellectual curiosity into research based on free intention, but it is most important to make original research results, but how my research contributes to society It is equally important to be conscious of whether it is.

13 · The university should allow students to study more practical societies that are useful for society.

仕事と心の流儀』 丹羽宇一郎  講談社現代新書 219ページ 2019.1
















“The way of work and mind” Uichiro Niwa Kodansha Contemporary New paper 219 pages 2019.1

I compiled the essence.

1 · Emotion of life obtained through work

2 · In order to turn on the DNA lamp, it is important to always make efforts every day for 10 minutes or 20 minutes a day.

3 · If you are a student who carefully knows how to be a human being, you know that the worst should be imaged as best as possible.

4 · There is visible fee and invisible fee. Invisible reward refers to mind and spirit that does not appear in shape.

5 · Dreams come out variously through working experiences.

6. Can you become an ant? Can you  become a dragonfly? Can you become a human?
About 10 years since I joined the company, I should do the work in front of my eyes as with ants. The period of the dragonfly from the early 30s to the early 40s. A dragonfly is to see things from a compound eye viewpoint. From the late 40s to the 50s approaching the company leader is the human period.

7 · The human human genome consists of approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA, 99.9% of whom have the same genes, individual difference as human beings is only 0.1%. So it is my opinion that there are almost no differences in human abilities and appropriateness.

8 · If you continue your efforts, you may be able to do more work by demonstrating your ability at a certain time as “DOTS”.

9 · I will continue to work hard to think that my job is fun.

10 · I did not seek a perfect business plan. It is necessary to have a project that can share feelings, emotions, and hearts underlying it.

11 · The most important thing in making a job successful is enthusiasm and passion.

12 · Three principles of nurturing subordinates are “admit”, “leave it to me” and “praise at key points”.

13 · According to my rule of thumb, losses are often about three times as much as the roughly grasped amount, if examined carefully.

14 · It is impossible for any company to have excellent employees in any company. Mostly, it is composed of 20% of excellent people, 60% of ordinary people, and 20% of inferior people.
15 · The more work you get tense, the more you get from it, you can grow as a human being. People are polished at work.

リーダーの人間学』片岡寛光 中央経済社 451ページ 2018.10


















“Leader’s human studies” Hiromitsu Kataoka Chuo Keizai Shinkosha 451 pages 2018.10

I compiled the essence.
1 · Human behavior consists of a series of processes that encourage the present and divide it into the future based on the past.

2 · Man is a social entity as well as an individual.

3 · Everyone is yourself a leader

4 · The leader plays a role of distributing the shares to the members of the group.

5 · Organization is not going · conson, it continues as long as people try to maintain that relationship, even if its components alternate.

6. Aristotle’s argumentation explains the three elements of a narrator, subject, and opponent who speaks. In argument, who is the narrator is the first question, must be a person trusted by daily behavior. The subject matter you choose must be a good one with timing appropriate to the times, or one that attracts the other’s interest.

7 · The argument is not a problem in itself, it convinces the audience by that, and we must make everyone feel like doing something together.

8. Make the followers believe the followers’ interests as their own beliefs, have intelligence, abilities, and training sufficient to achieve their best interests, and that they are satisfied enough to fulfill their promises It has the authority.

9 · Harvard · Simon develops the theory of incentive and contribution and states that the organization can draw out contributions and maintain equilibrium as long as they can provide incentives to staff.

10 · Where human beings live a shared life there is social consciousness and people have feelings of sympathy who think of other people though they are not their own interests.

11 · Honesty, foresightability, human excitement, ability, intelligence, etc, which are regarded as leader’s conditions are important.

12 · It is possible to narrow down the competence of the leader to five of judgment power, execution force, transmission force, comprehensiveness, self-control.

13 · Although the essence of leadership has remained unchanged from the ancient times, how to appear depends on the times, depending on the social system, depending on the stage of social development.

14 · Maslow shows a crucial item to live with dignity as a free existence, polish human nature and become a leader.

1) self-determination, 3) self-control of self’s destiny, 4) self-directed behavior, 5) initiative planning and action, 6) expectation of success, 7) self-responsibility , 8) not being passive, active, 9) human beings if not things, 10) realizing the ego, making decisions themselves, 11) autonomy, 12) initiatives, 13 ) To start oneself, 14) to be able to be judged fairly by one’s ability from one’s own ability.

15 · Discover the way to live and establish autonomy. From there, proceed to the interdependence stage, acquire the thought of Win Win, understand people, to try to be understood by themselves, reach synergy.

16 · Leaders are “one” as well as “whole”, including “individuals” or “many” among them, with regards to macro issues and micro problems There is.

キッシンジャー超交渉術 ハーバードが総力を挙げて徹底分析』ジェームス・K・セベニウス
日経BPマーケティング 404ページ 2019.1




2) 自分たちの要求と利益を主張しつつ、相手の考えの理解に努め、親密さやつながりを築く
3) 伝統的な交渉アプローチである「強気でスタート、徐々に譲歩」を見直す
4) 表現力を養う。「建設的曖昧さ」は便利だがリスクを伴う。「暗黙の合意」は価値ある選択となり得る。
6) 根気強く努力し続ける。

“Kissinger super-negotiation technique Harvard thoroughly analyzes with full power” James · K · Sebenius
Nikkei BP marketing 404 pages 2019.1

I compiled the essence.

1 · Central to effective negotiations
Zoom out to strategy and zoom in on negotiating parties, and constantly integrate both viewpoints
Review basic assumptions over and over
Familiarize with the theme of negotiation

2 · Zoom out to strategic advantage
Stay in a long-term perspective
Adopt a wide-angle viewpoint
Become realistic. Always think about the change in balance of agreement / disagreement
Do not consider change in negotiation unchanged
Pay close attention to “home front” and explore the possibility of multi-front negotiating campaign to obtain consensus
Hone the insight and agility in multilateral negotiations

3. Zoom in on tactics and human relations in the negotiation process
1) Strategically think and act flexibly
2) Strive to understand the idea of the other party, establish intimacy and connection while asserting their demands and benefits
3) Review the traditional negotiation approach “start bullish, gradually concede”
4) Feed for expression. “Constructive ambiguity” is convenient but involves risks. “Implicit consensus” can be a valuable choice.
5) Pay close attention when choosing secret negotiations. It is useful but it is also a double-edged sword.
6) I will persevere with perseverance.

平成の教訓 改革と愚作の30年』 竹中平蔵 PHP新書 349ページ 2019.2











10・経済学者モディアーニの「ライフサイクル仮説」によれば、家計の消費は、将来予測される所得を考慮して決まり、人々は若い時の所得をすべて消費せずには、一部を引退後の生活に備えて貯蓄に回す。このことと、高齢化が進んで高齢の無職世帯( 年金生活者)が増え、過去の蓄えを取り崩す生活が広がったことが、貯蓄率も急激で大幅な低下をもたらしたわけである。



13・ (家計貯蓄-家計支出)➕(企業貯蓄-企業支出)➕(政府貯蓄-政府支出)-(輸出国-輸入)=0









23・日本は大きく人口を減らすわけであるから、仕事の多くをAIやロボットに置き換えれば良い。  むしろ人口減少社会は、AIを発展させる大チャンスを用意する社会なのである。こう考えれば明るい。

“Heisei’s Lessons Learned Reform and 30 Years of a stupid plan” NeizouTakenaka PHP Shinpan 349 pages 2019.2

I compiled the essence.

1 · If Showa was “the era of turbulence”, Heisei was “the era of drastic change”.

2 · Even though small changes in momentum, it will change greatly if it lasts for a long time.

3 · It is certain that the bubble collapsed and the economic activity as a whole became sluggish.

4 · If you notice, the average working hours of Japanese people is about 20% shorter on average, and the savings rate is changing from the highest level among the industrialized countries to the lowest level at a stroke. The image that the Japanese work for a long time and save is completely changed.

5 · During the Heisei 30 years, the population of Japan was almost flat. However, the population of the United States has increased by about 30% and the population of the UK by about 15%. Only Japan was outside the mosquito nets while the major countries were engaged in competition for capturing human resources from the world.

6 · There are two extreme polemics that are strangely different in Japan. The first opinion is that Japan experienced 30 years when Japan was lost and there was absolutely no hope. The other is an extreme argument that Japan has the most advanced society and culture and other countries should emulate Japan.

7 · For the Japanese economy of Heisei for 30 years, good and bad aspects coexisted spectacularly.

8 · In terms of policy, reform and punishment coexisted.

9 · The attitude of arguing economic policy seriously has weakened as a whole society. And the background is that there is deterioration of the media, wide viewing.

10 · According to the economic scholar Modigni’s “life cycle hypothesis”, household consumption is decided in consideration of the future income, and people do not consume all the income when young, after retiring part Turn into savings for life. This and the aging of senior unemployed households (pensioners) have increased, and the life that pulls back past accumulation has expanded, the savings rate also sharply declined greatly.

11 · In the national economy, three sectors of households, companies, and government are spared from income and the rest are saved or invested.

12 · While the balance of savings and investment in each department changes, the balance changes as a whole, economic activities are carried out, and the balance with foreign countries is also decided. As a result, the sum of the savings and investment balance of the three sectors becomes equal to the business balance, and the following equation holds.

13 · (household savings – household expenditure) ➕ (corporate savings – corporate expenditure) ➕ (government savings – government expenditure) – (exporter – import) = 0
14 · Trends in university entry rate steadily increased from 8.2% in 1960 to 27.3% in 1976. It is 51% in 2011 and 57.9% in 2013. In short, Heisei is the era when university students go from “one in four people” to “one in two people”.

15 · The rate of advancement in Japan is lower than the average value of OECD 62%.

16 · Universities around the world accept widely accepted foreign students and social workers who have learned again.

17 · Private university’s tuition has risen 1.5 times from the average of 600,000 yen in 1990 to the recent 900,000 yen.

18 · The capital loss caused by land and stock price by the end of 1989 to the end of 2001 amounts to 1330 trillion yen.

19 · Heisei deteriorated the media, the conscience of the media was lost. In particular, many Japanese media seems to convey and discuss any conflict concept emotionally to the concept of “strong and weak” conflict.

20 · Generally speaking, the profit rate of educational investment is high, and the money used for education is often returned in the future.

21 · A country that starts fiscal rebuilding from a tax increase always fails. Professor Aresina derived the “golden rule of Arethina” from the successful case of fiscal reconstruction. Successful developed countries said that the ratio of the amount of money raised by raising taxes reduced by expenditure reduction is about “7 vs 3” or “2 vs 1”.

22 · In the future it is important to speak positively and brightly about shrinking strategies and truncating strategies.

23 · Since Japan has a large population reduction, many of the work can be replaced with AI or a robot. Rather, a population diminished society is a society that prepares a great opportunity to develop AI. It is bright if I think like this.

働く哲学者の人生論 エリック・ホッファー 100の言葉』 小川仁志 PHP 215ページ 2018.10















“The philosopher’s work life philosophy Eric Hofer 100 words” Ogawa Hitoshi PHP 215 page 2018.10

I compiled the essence.

1 · Hofer does not belong to the lifetime organization, living as he likes, doing whatever he wants.

2 · A way of life to love yourself.

3 · A good job for him is that he can secure some freedom and can do whatever he likes.
4 · In fact it is more creative to put yourself in the crowd.

5・Life is a coincidental crossroad.

6 · A 27 year old year is important in a great life.

7 · How to live giving time to think to yourself.

8 · I chose anything that makes everything possible.

9 · We meet various people in our life. Each of us, in fact, has a big influence on our lives.

10 · Satisfied satisfaction on my own will affect attitudes toward others, make me generous, and as a result others’ reactions may be made.

11 · A good human relationship consists of a chain of kindness.

12 · Talent creates their own opportunities.

13 · People trying to change the state or the world should ignite tremendous hope and know how to fuel that.

14 · People of the highest and lowest make society and make history.

世界を変えた50の哲学』 ジェレミー・スタンルーム、原書房 127ページ 2014.4



























“50 philosophies that changed the world” Jeremy Stan Room, original bookshop 127 pages 2014.4

I compiled the essence.

1 · Pythagoras
Reveal the mathematical foundation of the real world.

2 · Plato
Discuss the existence of the complete idea world.

3 · Aristotle
advocate a theory of moderation.

4 · Thomas · Aquinas
Harmonize progress and reason.

5 · Renee Descartes
Develop methodological skepticism.

6 · George Barkly
assert that being existed is to be perceived.

7 · Tibit Hume
Demonstrate skepticism.

8 · Jeremy · Bentham
Consider the maximum happiness principle.

9 · Georg · F · Hegel
Promote absolute ideals.

10 · J · S · Mill
Speak gender equality.

11 · Friedrich · Nietzsche
Consider the concept of the superhuman.

12 · Ludwig Wittgenstein
Analyze language confusion.

13 · Karl Marx
Form a revolutionary criticism of capitalism.

14 · Mahatma · Gandhi
We advocate a philosophy of nonviolence.

15 · F · A · hayek
Defend a small government.

16 · Siegmund · Freud
Psychoanalytic treatment is launched.

17 · Abraham · Maslow
Develop the notion stage concept.

18 · Nome · Chomsky
Validate universal grammar.

19 · Theodore · Adorno
Verify authoritarian personality.

20 · Jack · Derrida
Founding debate theory.

21 · causality law
The occurrence of one occurrence results in the other in some way the result.

22 · Experience theory
The claim that pure knowledge about the world is derived from information obtained in the senses.

23 · determinism
Every event is the result of another event, and that event is also the result of another event.

24 · Ontology
A study of existence or existence.

25 · Collective Unconsciousness
Common to human beings, inherited by genetics Unconsciously mentioning Jung’s concept.

知的生産術』 出口治明 日本実業出版社 261ページ 2019.2
























“Intellectual Production Procedure” Haruaki Deguchi Japanese Business Publishing Company 261 page 2019.2

I compiled the essence.

1 · How to work efficiently and produce results. I think that thinking out that way with your own head is “to increase intellectual productivity.”

2 · A place where a university experiences what he wants to do and fulfills his / her desire to do.

3 · The three conditions that supported Japan’s high growth are the Cold War, the catch-up model, the population increase.

4 · Switch from “Messi · bath · sleep” to “people · book · travel”.

5 · The three ways to improve your mind are to meet lots of people, read many books, travel a lot and experience.

6 · Innovation = knowledge ✖️ ability to think

7 · Think mathematics, facts, logic.

8 · The point is organized when language is given to ideas.

9 · To increase the amount of input, in order to achieve high quality human output.

10 · Speed is an extremely important management resource.

11 · If you clarify the “management philosophy”, you can push towards the mission.

12 · How to advance the meeting to increase productivity.
Separate the time of the meeting.
· Make the paper of the meeting paperless.
Discuss verifiable data (numbers, facts, logic).
Read the material first.

13 · To raise productivity, it is important to remove barriers such as sex, nationality, and age.

14 · “Amateur” can give out the best idea.

マルクス・ガブリエル 欲望の時代を哲学する』 丸山俊一 NHK出版新書 234ページ 2018.12













12・もし、自分が自分の人生に与える構造が何らかの理由で外部の要素による結果だとしたらどうなるのだろう? この問いかけによって、ヨーロッパを中心として、1960年代に「実存主義」は「構造主義」という考え方に変わった。





17・ マルクス主義は、歴史を階級闘争の観点から解説している。これは基本的に、分業によってある社会的な利益が形成され、互いが対立しはじめる状況を意味している。






“Marx Gabriel Philosophy of the Age of Desire” Shunichi Maruyama NHK Publication New Paper 234 pages 2018.12

I compiled the essence.

1・Art needs history.

2 · The element of art intervenes in the market economy.

3 · Capitalism, of course, requires art.

4 · It is not a democratic equal majority vote.

5 · Hegel thought that rights – law is also the basis of rules and that rights should be given by free will. Respect free will. That is the root of the concept of rights.

6 · Because it is a digital age, philosophy is necessary.

7 · There is no real contradiction, and the two extreme ends may actually be the same thing.

8 · In order to try mutual understanding, it must always be symmetrical.

9 · A computer is nothing but logical installed on certain kinds of hardware. Computers are fundamentally explained and conceived by the scientist Turing, who revealed the structure of logic.

10. Plato not only invented the concept of cinema but also invented the Internet. Plato thought that the idea that each person can have is connected.

11 · Existential thinking has nothing to give meaning in my life other than my own life. In my life, I am the only source of significance.

12 · What will happen if the structure given to your life in my life is a result of external factors for some reason? By this question, mainly in Europe, “existentialism” is “structuralism” in the 1960s It changed into the way of thinking.

13 · The basic idea of structuralism is that the structure constructed from various elements gives meaning to life.

14 · Structuralism is born out of research results such as mythology. Surprisingly, there is a story of a similar structure all over the world.

15 · Life does not flow from life to death as a living thing to think, but goes from death to life.

16 · Communistic worldview provides historical · dialectic materialism. According to historical · dialectic materialism, it is not only scientific and technological progress but also human progress, in particular, that constitutes a society.

17 · Marxism explains history from the viewpoint of class struggle. This basically means a situation where social benefits are formed by division of labor and each other starts to confront.

18 · Psychoanalysis provides a theory to explain mental illness caused by class struggle. Therefore, if Marxism and psychoanalysis are combined, there is a possibility that it can be in a position to explain everything.

19 · Philosophy is research on the structure itself of thought.

20 · President Trump is perfectly understanding the space created by the concept of the Internet age, using it as a completely new platform to govern people, and to create economic wealth There.

21 · Social media is a perfect postmodern platform.

22 · For Germans, Hegel’s “psycho-phenomenology” and Kant’s “critique of pure reason” are like Bibles for Christians.

九鬼周造エッセンス』 九鬼周造 こぶし文庫 250ページ 2001.9



















“Kuki Shuzo Essence” Kuki Zhouzhou  Kobushi Collection 250 pages 2001.9

I compiled the essence.

1 · In general, “Iki” can be said to be a state of consciousness created by combining “chilling”, “spirit” and “giving up”.

2 · We must admit that there is a concept to grasp the essence only by intuition.

3 The most remarkable noticeable thing to understand about Ringing is the case where human beings become the same person again and again by eternity.

4. The notion of the Great Years’ Year adopted in the eschatology of the Pythagoreans and above all the store factions is the concept of the same time repeated forever and the world is accurately reproduced to the detail.

5 · All of the large universe years are identical and absolutely identical to each other.

6 · Time is interpreted as a circle instead of a straight line. It has the shape of “wheel” above self, not in the shape of an arrow.

7 · Things that existed in the past can be in the future, and those belonging to the future can belong to the past.

8 · Okakura Tenshin is said to have been “The history of Japanese art is the ideal history of Asia” (Oriental ideal). In fact, Japanese art reflects the thought of the Orient in many ways.

9 · In the West, as the Greek philosophy and the Jewish religion, or harmoniously or conflictingly assumed the development of European civilization, the ones that have conditioned the progress of my Asian civilization in the East are those of Indian religion and It was Chinese philosophy.

10 · It is found in the pantheism of the Laoong School of China philosophy. Mysticism and pantheism are probably the same spiritual experience, one in religion, the other in philosophy. In other words, it is an expression of time and space release.

11 · What kind of relationship does Japanese art have as infinite as an element of spiritual life? The scene of activities of mental life is time. Trapped in time, people crave time to relax. Thus he asks for eternity. In other words, find true, good and beauty.

12 · In general, Japanese personality and opportunities for Japanese culture are three: nature, spirit, and desire.

13 · In Japanese art, the goal is to match the coincidence of nature and art.

14 · Three of nature, spirit and care are almost corresponding to the three teachers of God, Confucius, and Buddha. It may be thought that the naturalism of Shinto has been shaped into a Confucian idealism and Buddhistic unrealisticism as a material.

15 · Three people, nature, spirit and desire, can be seen as indicating the process of positive / anti-agreement. Harmony law and dialectic law are not necessarily contradictory.

16 · “This world is the flow of water or clouds going sky” Boat rail

17 · The concept of “fate” as an integral of “accidentality” and “necessity” is a problem. When viewing the ideal way of self and life in the real world as one of myriad possibilities emerged, the concept of “fate” will emerge, and the “fate” that emerges as a coincidence is made meaningful and inevitable To explain ways to do it.

日本の七大思想家』 小松逸郎 幻冬社新書 475ページ 2012.11























“The Seven Greatest Thinkers of Japan” Komatsu Itsuro Gentosha Shinsho 475 pages 2012. 11

I compiled the essence.

1 · What is the essence of the language is act of realizing the subjective “meaning”, and at the same time it is a subjective act of receiving the listener to understand the realized thing as the “intention of the speaker”.

2 · After the modern era to the modern era, the concept of “truth” begins to shake in various ways by the rise of natural science and rationalism. In other words, there is a branch of “Will to Truth” and “Will to Good”, and it came to stand out.

3 · It was Kant that I showed it with my body. His “Critique of Pure Reason” sets the limits of passion of will to the truth, “Critique of practical reasonity” is the prerogative of the will of good will to the will to the will to truth, the passion of the will to good .

4 · If there is something that can contribute something to the philosophy of Western origin using Japanese thinking and sensibility, it is a universal world that can overcome it by finding the limits of Western thinking in philosophy Grasp, and point to the possibility of human grasp.

5 · The landscape depicted on a daily basis is not in a strange relationship of causes and consequences. That is exactly the “same thing” of “the same thing” is “superimposition”, so it is the closest relationship “namely” “namely”.

6 · The term “foreground factor” here refers to the four causes, form factors, factors, factors, factors and causes of Aristotle’s classification, which is the cause of quality.

7 · Galilei, which divided the world into objective and subjective, fundamentally undermines the world composition since Descartes, picks up the “heart” in return, returning it to the outside world, and at the same time brings out the lively aspect of “things” I regained it.

8 · Hideo Kobayashi was greatly affected by Bergson’s philosophy when he was young. To imagine, the most influential of it is time theory and memory theory.

According to 9 · Bergson, the time that was imaged as a series of linear points like a calendar or chronology is not the original time but a time-consuming and spatial metaphor Absent. We are obsessed with the temporal nature which is never transferred to space named “pure sustenance” inside our spirit, and that is what forms each and every one of our lives. Therefore, memory is not an accumulated solid matter, it is a sort of dynamic action itself called back as much as necessary for us as always aiming for the future.

10 · Humans are the whole of social relations.

11 · Logic is the big law of human existence.

12 · As an infinite dialectical movement process “whole and individual”. The denial of the infinite continuation and the whole of the dialectical movement is the way people are. How many individual characters form through one whole thing.

13 · There is a true face of philosopher Fukuzawa Yukichi when it comes to functionalism / Utilitarians as a nationalist.

14 · In the first place, humans are people who recognize themselves among others and find others in themselves.

15 · Criticism is to read. To read is to talk with subjects of criticism, to talk about it by dividing its target like the close friends.

16 · Following the collapse of the Cold War structure, with the relative recession of American hegemony, the current world situation is revealing the essence of the yakuza world which once again lost control. The dream of peace and prosperity in the meantime is forced to awake. In terms of politics, diplomacy and military affairs, which Japan had been careful about so far, Japan has been hit by the side that had been weakened after the war.

17 · This country is now losing a strong US backing shield and is standing in a situation where it is obliged to design a self-independent plan again in a new way. However, its design policy should not only specialize in military affairs or economics, but should be of comprehensive character appropriate for the nationality of the Japanese.

18 · Thoughts are beyond the times while breathing the vivid era. In recent years when global warming and intense waves of the information society are throwing in, it is mindled by those busy rhythms and do not fill the mind and body only with the breathtaking language style. I want to cherish the time to think carefully while standing close to the rhythm of literary philosophy and philosophy thought.

19 · Japanese people ‘s disadvantage is good at returning back. When a powerful culture and civilization came under way in a long history, the Japanese absorbed humbly once humbly once absorbed, fully chewed, and unintentionally reassigned themselves to their own To get away.

20 · Chinese civilization such as kanji and Buddhism in ancient times, transformation of Zhuji school in the Tokugawa family, and Western civilization in modern Japan. In the area of thought, it is necessary to foster such long breaths that are unique.

21 · Fukuzawa Yukichi states that the former is referred to as emergency treatment and the latter as daily training, referring to the quality and differences of temporal rhythms between “politics” and “academics”, but this is a word to say Should be.

哲学の三つの伝統』野田又夫 岩波文庫 325ページ 2013.12










“The Three Traditions of Philosophy” Noda Matsuo Iwanami Bunko 325 pages 2013.12

I summarized the essence.

1. Greek ancient philosophy, Indian ancient philosophy, Chinese ancient philosophy Three ancient philosophies have a strange coincidence that they were born simultaneously in three places, and a certain common figure is recognized. It means that each accepts many schools and many ideas. Each of the three ancient philosophies contained various ideas in each of them, and it can be said that each is independent of the others and expresses all of human ideas.

2 · Universal order is, for example, “justice” that looks like the idea of Greek thinkers, “law” in Indian thought, and “road” in Chinese thought.

3 · Mythology expresses the cosmic destiny of human beings. The myth of Christianity is a myth that has incorporated the destiny of the world and humans into dramatic unity, perhaps more thoroughly than any previous myth.

4. In the late days of the West, Christianity was transmitted to the Roman world, and at the same time, a large migration of the Korean people was taking place. In China’s history, it can be seen that the new history of the process has been started from Tang Tang, cutting the history of China at the end of Han Han, and after a period of confusion of 300-400 years.

5. Western philosophy begins with Greece, and strict mathematical logic is pursued, but in general, ancient philosophy in China does not seem to greatly appreciate the meaning of logical theory.

6 · Japanese thought was a coexistence of old ideas and new ideas in historical development. I experienced two long isolation periods in Japanese history. The first is the Heian period and the Kamakura period, the second is the isolation, and the time of isolation is the Tokugawa period. After all, it can be said that emotional refinement and practical simplification have produced Japan’s own.

7. Nishida Kitaro calls “the opposite agreement” “the self-identity of contradiction”. At this time, “identical” means real unification and means the process of unification of contradictory terms. Opposite provisions, ie universal and individual, one and many, time and space, etc., form the ultimate pole of the place. And tension and interaction between the two poles create the form of every existence. So there are three series of morphomorphism, in other words three existence areas. The physical world, the world of life and the historical world.

8. Philosophy is “to reach a human-like idea of the world and life.”

試験に出る哲学』 斎藤哲也 NHK出版新書 261ページ 2018.9




3・アリストテレスの4原因説。 物事には、質料因、形相因、作用因、目的因の4つの原因がある。

5・ ベーコンの哲学は、先入観を排し、実験や観察を通じて真理を探究する帰納法や経験をして重視する。四つのイドラ、種族のイドラ(ドグマ)、洞窟のイドラ(独断)、市場のイドラ(伝聞)、劇場のイドラ(伝統や権威)の先入観、偏見、バイアスを排除することが大切である。

6・デカルトは、『方法序説』の中で四つの思考の規則( 明証の規則、分析の規則、総合の規則、快挙の規則)を提唱。確実な原理から出発して、推論を展開する演繹法を学問の方法論として重んじた。

7・デカルト、スピノザ、ライプニッツは17世紀の哲学者で、理性を重視し、 原理から出発して論証を進めていく「大陸合理論」でイギリスの経験論と対置される。


“Philosophy in the exam” Tetsuya Saito NHK Publications New Page 261 p 2018.9

I summarized the essence.

1 ・ Socrates only showed himself that philosophies that love and seek knowledge start when there is awareness of ignorance. And Plato’s idea of theory that poured that thought, and the philosophy of emphasizing the experience by Aristotle of his disciple were born.

2. Plato’s “Sector Trilogy” consists of the human soul’s reason for knowing ideas, the will to decide things, and the desire for emotions.

3 · Aristotle’s 4 cause theory. There are four causes of quality, causes of coping, agents, and purposes.
4 · Aristotle says that it is important to make moderate (removing the extremes of excess and deficiency) habits in the ethical virtues acquired through practice and experience.

5 ・ Bacon’s philosophy emphasizes inductive methods and experiences that seek the truth through experiments and observations without prejudice. It is important to eliminate the preconceptions, prejudices and biases of the four idras, tribal idras (dogma), cave idras (dictionary), market idras (hearings), theater idras (tradition and authority).

6 · Descartes advocates four rules of thought (rules of evidence, rules of analysis, rules of synthesis, rules of achievement) in “Introduction to Methods”. Starting from a certain principle, deduction method which develops inference is regarded as a methodology of learning.

7. Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, a 17th-century philosopher who emphasizes reason, and is opposed to British empirical theory in “continental theory,” which starts from the principle and advances the argument.

8 ・ Leibnitz explained the planned harmony theory in “Hibi in the watch”. Consider how to set the time of two clocks. 1. Be interlocked with each other. 2. Adjust every moment. 3. Make two watches precisely in advance. There are three ways. God is taking the third way. So, for the various events that occur in this world, there is a good reason why it happened.

シンクタンクとは何か、政策起業力の時代』 船橋洋一 中公新書 294ページ 2019.3



      ・ シンク・アンド・ドゥータンク(政策分析と政策提言を行なう)
      ・参画(エンゲージメント) (政策課題の解決の為に多用なアクターを巻き込み、活動する)











“What is a think tank, the era of policy start-up power” Yoichi Funabashi Cyukou Shinsyo 294 pages 2019.3

I summarized the essence.

1. Think tanks are institutions for policy-oriented research and advice on domestic and international issues to help policy makers and the public make better decisions on public policy.

2 ・ ・ Policy research institute
      ・ Think and Do tank (Perform policy analysis and policy recommendations)
      ・ Engagement (engagement with various actors to solve policy issues)

3. Think tanks need to investigate facts, conduct discussions based on them, and build a foothold for consensus building by conducting evidence-based research based on facts, data and analysis with universities and media There is.

4. Transform analytical understanding into imaginative and practical policies.

5 ・ To make an impact
· Responding to needs
・ To clearly show the mission
・ Keeping independence
・ Enhance expertise

6 · In the case of think tanks, the ideas are mainly those related to public and public policy, ideas, ideas and policies. And it is a word that appeals to the people, citizens and the world. Thinking the idea, deepening the idea, making a logic, converting it into a policy word, converting it into a political grammar, working on the media, appealing to society, and sending it out to the world is required of the think tank.

7 ・ In addition to expertise, good think tank researchers need entrepreneurship and adventurous ideas to create new concepts.

8 ・ It is desirable that people with diverse personalities and backgrounds are gathered.

9. German sociologist and economist Max Weber urges strict separation of academics from other jobs, especially politics, in “Study as a profession”.

10 ・ The ability to ask questions is the origin of all intellectual activities, the ability to ask questions itself is a policy proposal, and the think tank with the ability to ask questions is a think tank that can possess policy entrepreneurial ability.

11. When talking about policies, mention one positive side and one negative side of developing those policies. On that basis, I will explain why and why not to adopt that policy.

12 · Think tank power is to examine and analyze the way public policy should be based on appropriate information and data, to explore new ideas and policies, and to realize them by involving various interest groups, Think tank’s ability to start a policy that influences society and the world.

13. Japan’s “small think-tank country” means that Japan’s civil society lacks the will and ability to examine and propose public policy by itself and to present alternatives to the government, as well as public policy Transmitting Japan’s ideas on the world to the world means sharing and lack of will and ability to make Japan’s experience.

知の体力』 永田和宏  新潮社 223ページ 2018.5




3・ 「答はかならずある」などと思ってはいけない。勉強で染みついた呪縛を解くことが「知の体力」に目覚める第一歩となる。











“The Strength of Knowledge” Kazuhiro Nagata Shinchosha page 223pege.

I summarized the essence.

1. New students are extremely unaware that they have entered a university or have become students.

2・Speech of the entrance ceremony of President Okuda of Kyoto University  50 years ago. “Kyoto University doesn’t teach you anything. If you don’t seek it yourself, you can’t get anything without being a university.”

3 ・ Don’t think, “There is always an answer.” It is the first step to awaken to the “physical strength of knowledge” to release the spell binding that has been ingrained in study.

4 · Everything starts with the questions.

5 · Have time to be alone

6 · Real knowledge to survive on your own.

7. Learning and asking questions.

8 · Knowledge is meaningful only when it is used.

9 · Current school education places too much weight on the input to teach and too little time to train the output to pull it out.

10 ・ The place called university is the last educational institution. Until the last place, may we be educated in the form of giving unilaterally?

11 ・ Active learning is an education that points to active and collaborative learning for students to find and solve problems.

12. Walk around the classroom to give lectures.

13 ・ I think what it means to test in university in the first place. For credits, graduations, and whether you have studied properly as a student, it is a test that is done to guarantee quality. Who needs the university to guarantee the quality of the students?

賢人の知恵』 バルタザール・グラシアン、 ディスカバー、181ページ、2018・8



























Wisdom of the wise man, Balthazar Gracian, Discover, page 181, 2018 ・ 8

I summarized the essence.

1. Balzar Grasian is a writer who has been active in 17th century Spain. It says that Schopen Howell and Nietzsche are good manuals. Tenor singer, Pavarotti’s love reading.

2 ・ Learning first, then teaching the essence of the knowledge I gained.

3 · The whole universe consists of contrasts. Because there is a contrast, the world is sustained and beautiful.

4. Make friends a good, honest person with harmony.

5 · Be generous with others.

6 ・ Speak your own opinion without fear.

7 ・ When asking other people, think about the timing.

8 Have knowledge and courage.

9 ・ Think from the perspective of the other party.

10 ・ Emphasize quality.

11. See through the essence.

12 · Accurately assess your temperament, ability, judgment and emotions.

13 · Depending on the environment, depending on the circumstances.

14 · Challenge new things.

15 ・ We turn defects into merits.

16 · If you work with knowledge and good intentions, you can get constructive results from anything.

17 ・ Separate your destiny.

18 · Know the luck of the meeting.

19 · Understanding opportunities is one of the most important abilities of intelligence.

20 ・ We will prepare for adversity only when it is good.

21 · Avoid competition.

22 · Read ahead.

23 ・ Prepare a reserve.

24 · View the crisis as a chance.

25 ・ Be aware of changes and turning points.

ハーバードの日本人論』 佐藤智恵 中公新書ラクレ 294ページ 2019.6
















“Harvard’s Theory of Japanese” Chie Sato Chuko Shinsho Lakure 294 pages 2019.6

I summarized the essence.

1 ・ After all, what is asked in the global age is how deeply you understand Japan and Japanese people. The point is that it is important to live happily by making good use of being Japanese.

2. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Dr. Peter Drucker of the world-wide management scholars, “Sciences Eiichi Shibusawa and Yataro Iwasaki, described the achievements of two people as remarkable as Rothschild and Rockefeller.

3 ・ I learned that Shibusawa, who was a representative of Japan, spoke resolutely without being overwhelmed by Western leaders. It is noteworthy that he criticized the immigration exclusion policy toward the US President Roosevelt.

4. Japanese animation is supported by young people in the world according to the advent of the Internet
This is because the view of the world based on cultural mixture is very much in the sense of young people.

5 · Japanese manga generally have a positive image of robots, but Westerners have complex emotions.

6 · Japanese painting finds the universe in the details of creatures.

7 · Japanese sense of design and attention to detail.

Men with strong power such as 8 Genghis Khan make many children among many women, and their successors also make many children among many women. Its genetic influence is tremendous.

9 ・ Japanese ancestry is East Asian like Chinese and Korean, and according to the latest survey, 20% of Japanese DNA living in Honshu is from Jomon and 80% from Yayoi I know. It is said that Yayoi people began to flow into the Japanese archipelago around 2400 years ago.

10 The history of humanity is the history of transfer and hybridization.

11. Both Japan and the United Kingdom are both island countries, separated from the outside world by the sea, and have a long history of building their own culture. Therefore, there are many similarities in the process of farming people migrating to where hunter-gatherers were.

12-The life span of human beings is determined by the combination of two factors: natural and acquired factors. Congenital elements and born cells, genes. Acquired elements are diet, lifestyle, living environment, etc. The former has an effect of about 25% and the latter about 75%.

13 · I teach in the lecture of innovation, the concept of “limited rationality” advocated by Nobel economics winner Harvard Simon. Limited rationality means that humans can not judge the situation only in limited time and limited information, so they do not necessarily make the best decisions, especially in complex situations. means.

The world is a complex place, so it is impossible for any human being to know everything. Therefore, human beings cut off a part and try to act rationally based on the information that they can know.

本の使い方』出口治明 KADOKAWA 242ページ 2019.6







・タテ思考/時間軸 ・・・人類の、あるいは会社の歴史と照らし合わせて考えること(昔の人の話しを聞いたり、古典や社史などを読むこと)

実体験に勝るイメージが得られる 。






13・ 2〜3時間で一冊読み終える。

“How to use a book” Deguchi Haruaki KADOKAWA 242 pages 2019.6

I summarized the essence.

1 · Education · · · to give the minimum weapons necessary to live. Develop the ability to think with your own mind and communicate your opinion in your own language.

2 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ To get the information which is the material of thinking widely and deeply to some extent in order to live a better life. Power to think about knowledge

There is Sanchi in the world of 3 people. The wisdom of learning, the wisdom of communicating with people, the wisdom of personal experience.

4 ・ Learn from people, learn from books, learn from travel.

5. I think that the meaning of human beings is to live “subsystem of the world management plan”. In other words, I think that it is necessary to always think about “what I understand this world like, what I want to change, and what part I am in charge of as long as human beings live” .

6 · It is important to catch things with “vertical and horizontal thinking” to correctly understand the world.
・ Vertical thinking / time axis ・ ・ ・ Thinking against human or company history (listening to old people, reading classics, company history, etc.)
Horizontal thinking / space axis … to think against the situation of people of the world or other companies (to investigate the actual situation of other countries or other companies, to actually try it, that is, to travel)

Seven ・ Five advantages that the book has
It has been read for hundreds of years. There is no deviation from classical factions.
It does not take time and cost.
Information is available anywhere, regardless of location.
The time and space axes are overwhelmingly wide and deep.
An image superior to the actual experience can be obtained.

8 ・ Classics are books that history, philosophy, thought, science, literature, etc., the results and facts of knowledge created and explored by human beings have been read by people all over the world and remain until today.

9 ・ 50% of life learns from books.

10 ・ book is a tool that summarizes the overall knowledge in a compact manner.

11 · Differently use newspapers, the Internet, and books according to characteristics.
・ Newspaper · · · A tool that gives context to the order of values
・ Internet ・ ・ ・ A tool with excellent flashability and searchability
・ Book ・ ・ ・ Time axis, space axis is wide, tool to convey overall knowledge

12 ・ There is a book to enjoy.

13 ・ I finish reading one book in 2 to 3 hours.

.考えるとはどういうことか』 梶谷真司 幻冬社新書 262ぺージ 2018.9









8・物事は 単純化して表現することでその本質が明確になる。

“What does it mean to think?” Shinji KJitani Gentosha Shinsho 262 page 2018.9

I summarized the essence.

1. Philosophy I was wondering if something would be simpler and something anyone could do. Philosophy is always necessary for everyone.

2 · It can be said that “thinking” is dialogue with other people, “question, thinking, talking and listening together”.

3-Surprisingly, there is little opportunity in our lives to learn what we think. We don’t learn what we need to do, whether we are at home, at school, or at work, we think, which is so important to humans.

4 · Rules of philosophy dialogue
・ Ask each other questions.
・ Speak to your own experience, not knowledge.
・ The story does not have to be settled.
・ You may change your opinion.
・ You do not have to know.

5 ・ Think after talking.

6 · The role of the facilitator is to guide the participants’ initiative and independence.

7 Thinking is a small challenge to live with freedom and responsibility. So what we need is more thorough realism than a proud ideal.

8 ・ The essence is clarified by expressing things in a simplified manner.

情報生産者になる』 上野千鶴子 ちくま新書 381ページ 2018.9












“Become an information producer” Chizuko Ueno Chikuma New Book 381 pages 2018.9

I summarized the essence.

1 · The era of overflowing information, but only consuming it data information gourmet. It is much more fun to produce valuable information and go to the sending side.

2. A series of processes from making original questions, learning through past research, collecting primary data, adding analysis to it, and outputting.

3 · I define learning as a transferable shared knowledge of knowledge.

4 · What is research?
Ask a question.
• Consider prior research. (Object / method, theory / demonstration)
・ Set the target.
・ Adopt a method.
Make a theoretical hypothesis.
Make a working hypothesis.
・ Collect data. (Primary information / Secondary information)
Analyze the data.
・ Set up hypotheses and test them (verification / refusal)
Build a model.
・ Claim discovery and significance.
・ Be aware of the present world and issues.

5. The value of higher education is not to gain knowledge but to obtain meta-knowledge on how to produce knowledge.

6 · I was scolded in the Kyoto school’s intellectual environment. I learned something about information production outside the university, in the area surrounding the university, or in the think tank.

7 · There is a manner in the way of comment. From the whole to the detail, the order of high importance to low importance.

8 · The role of the chairman is to effectively use finite time resources for meaningful discussions.

9 ・ Theory is a tool.

10 Research refers to the process of asking questions that nobody has yet understood, gathering evidence, constructing theories, presenting answers, and persuading others.

哲学と宗教 全史』 出口治明 ダイアモンド社 465ページ 2019.8


1・世界はどうしてできたのか、という問いを宇宙はどうしてできたのか、と置き換えてみると、宇宙の誕生はビッグバンで理論づけされ、答えが出ている。 ビッグバンによって宇宙の膨張が始まり、やがてさまざまな物質やエネルギーが集まって星が誕生した。星が一生を終えると超新星爆発が起こる。星のかけらが四方八方に飛び散る。そしてその星のかけらから地球が生まれやがて生命が誕生し、人間が生まれたのである。僕らは星のかけらからできているのである。

どこからきたのか。現生人類の祖先「ホモ・サピエンス・サピエンス」は、通説では、今から約20万年前に東アフリカの太地溝帯で誕生した。どこに行くのか。今から10億年ぐらいしたら、太陽が膨張し、地球の水はなくなって全生物が死滅することは分かっている。何のために生きているのか。人間も動物も次の世代を残すために生きている。さらに一歩進めて、人間とは何か? と問えば、すべての行動や思考を脳の働きに依存している動物、ということは、分かっている。


















“History of Philosophy and Religion” Haruaki Deguchi Diamond Corporation 465 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. If we replaced the question of why the world was made with why the universe was made, the birth of the universe was theorized by the Big Bang and the answer was given. The big bang began to expand the universe, and eventually a variety of substances and energy gathered to create stars. A supernova explosion occurs when a star finishes its life. Star fragments scatter in all directions. The earth was born from the fragments of the stars, and life was born, and humans were born. We are made of star fragments.

2. Where do humans come from and where do they live, and what are they living for? There is also an answer to this question.
Where are you from? The ancestors of modern human beings, “Homo Sapiens Sapiens,” were born in the Taiji Rift in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. Where are you going? In about one billion years from now, we know that the sun will expand, the Earth’s water will disappear, and all living things will die. What are you living for? Both humans and animals live to leave the next generation. Going one step further, what is a human being? I know that animals are all dependent on brain activity for all actions and thoughts.

3. Zoroastrianism did not have idolatry, but instead believed in fire. Zoroastrianism looks like a monotheistic religion, but it is also a polytheistic religion in that there are good, evil, and versatile gods. Judaism, Christianity and Islam learned a lot from Zoroastrianism.

4. The world is composed of four properties and four causes.
Empedo Cres explained the formation of the world by the four elements of fire, air, water and earth. In other words, the idea that the world is composed of four materials.
Aristotle has created a magnificent system by making these four properties correspond to all aspects of nature and human nature. In addition, Aristotle explained the world with four causes. The explanation was made from four causes: the quality factor, form factor, action factor, and purpose factor.

5. Regarding the world’s religious population, Christianity has the most believers. It accounts for 32.9% of the world’s religious population, reaching 2.45 billion. This is followed by Islamic 23.6%, 1.75 billion, Hindus 13.7%, 1.20 billion, and Buddhists 7%, 520 million. The distribution ratio by Christian denomination is 50.7% Roman Church, 22.6% Protestant, 11.6% Eastern Church, and 15.1% others.

6. Almost at the same time that England’s empirical theory developed with bacon, rock, and fume, the continental philosophy, such as continental theory, flourished in the continent of Europe by Cartesian, Spinoza and Leibniz.

7. Descartes thought that human beings were born with a certain kind of innate idea (the idea that human beings have born without experience).

8. “Return to nature” and “general will” are Rousseau’s thoughts.

9. The Middle Ages ended with the Renaissance and the Religious Revolution, the independence of the United States (1776), the French Revolution (1789), and the Napoleon Code (1804).

10. Kant’s philosophy that he wanted to integrate the empirical theory of England with the continental theory.

11. Kant put a framework of recognition of sensitivity and enlightenment when writing “Critique of Practical Reason”. Since there are natural laws in the natural world, it is no wonder that similar laws exist in the human world. A priori put the laws of the human world. Autonomy means that human practical reason is not influenced by external authority and desires, but behaves according to one’s belief (rate).

12. Hegel thought that human spiritual activity would evolve to ascend the spiral staircase while repeating the positive, anti-going combination.

13. Bentham thought that aiming for the “maximum happiness of the greatest number” should be the basic philosophy of the policy.

14 ・ Schupenhauer thought that the battle for survival was driving history.

15. Freud thought that it was not the conscious area of the brain but the unconscious area that moved humans. Lipido is moving the unconscious area.

16. Jung thought that the deep unconsciousness of human beings had a collective collective consciousness beyond personal experience.
17. Saussure who thought language was a symbol. I realized that the language spoken by people has characteristics that are common across ethnic groups and cultures.

18 ・ I cannot agree with the idea of singularity that AI itself exceeds human intelligence. This is because there are still many unknown areas for humans, and little is known about brain activity. I think that it is quite difficult to replace the unknown brain mechanism with AI. At the moment, I think that AI can be used as a machine just like a car.

19. Common to both Nietzsche’s philosophy and the storeist philosophy is the attitude of accepting your fate and living positively and powerfully.

英国名門校の流儀 一流の人材をどう育てるか』 松原直美 新潮社 219ページ 2019.8














“How to nurture first-class human resources at a prestigious British school” Naomi Matsubara Shinchosha 219 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. A British public school that offers everything from prime ministers to Nobel laureates and famous actors. In addition to the unique manner of courtesy, “Bunmu”, “Art” when emphasized, visible prizes and punishment, and a superb teacher.

2. The goal of education at Harlow School in the suburbs of London is high, and “nurturing people who contribute to society”. All activities are converged to achieve this goal.

3. Individuals raised in groups

4. In Britain, unwritten rules based on tradition and customs are reflected in moral behavior since the founding of the country.

5. Training to listen to people. Questions can only be made if you speak well and understand what you are saying. Whether the speaker is a student, a teacher or a guest speaker, the students have many hands. There are some questions that express your opinion on the contents of the presentation, and show and ask the presenter’s views, but this may indicate your attitude to learn how to view things different from yourself.

6. For private languages, teachers are very strict.

7. When I work, I am very enthusiastic, but when I am resting and playing, I am thorough and my life style is slow.

8. Do you not only give school results, but also give you many opportunities, extend your qualities and talents so that your students can have a fruitful life, and develop them into people who can serve society?

9. Efforts will be made to provide students with an enthusiasm for faculty and teachers to balance their mind, mind and body. Students who have received this education will develop the qualities of leaders to acquire self-confidence and tolerance, understand their responsibilities, and consider others.

10. I have confidence in myself. But it doesn’t become precious.

11. Call scholars and celebrities to school for a lecture. Encountering first-class intelligence through numerous contacts with professionals on the road leads to an increased willingness to develop learning on its own.

12. The most important thing to support students’ confidence is their peers.

平成経済 衰退の本質』 金子勝 岩波新書 216ページ 2019.4






5. 問題の根底には、実はリーマンショック以降、アジアだけが経済成長を続けており中国がこの地域との結びつきを強めているという現実がある。

6. 安倍政権は、ばらまき、見せかけ、無力化という三種のポピュリズムを使い分けている。その基盤にあるのは、出口を考えない中央銀行の「信用創造」である。日銀は、インフレターゲット論に基づいて、「二年で二%の物価上昇率」を政策目標に掲げ、マネタリーベースを二年間で二倍にし、長期国債の保有量を二倍超とした。

7. アベノミクスが「出口のないネズミ講」なのは、日銀が金融緩和をやめたとたん、国債価格が下落して金利が上昇し日銀を含む金融機関が大量の損失を抱え込んでしまうからである。

8. 日銀は、国債だけでなく大量の株を買って株価を維持している。中央銀行がリスク資産である株を大量に買うのも歴史的にみて異常事態である。

9. アベノミクスは、産業衰退の加速、貿易赤字の定着、実質賃金と実質家計支出の継続的低下、少子高齢化と地域衰退、銀行経営の圧迫と金融危機リスク、中央銀行の機能麻痺をもたらした。

10. いま真っ先に取り組むべき課題は、戦後の「無責任の体系」を清算し、社会の基盤となる透明で公正なルールを取り戻すことである。

11 . 教育機会を平等に保障しなければならない。

12. 産業戦略とオープン・プラットフォームを作る

13.  地域分散ネットワーク型システムに転換する

14. 農業は消費者ニーズに応えつつ、地域単位で生産、流通、加工を結びつける「6次産業化」と、再エネを生み出す「エネルギー兼業」を軸に「儲かる農業」にしていく。

The Essence of the Declining Heisei Economy ”Masaru Kaneko Iwanami Shinsho 216 pages 2019.4

The essence is summarized.

1. In retrospect, the bubble bursts every 10 years. The 1987 Black Monday, the 1997 East Asian currency crisis, the 2007 Paribas shock, and a crash in the stock and exchange markets. Collapse of real estate bubble in the early 1990s, collapse of IT bubble in 2000, Lehman shock in 2008. Speculative money was flooded all over the world, and the business cycle of the 10-year cycle was transformed to repeat the bubble and bubble collapse.

2. The leading role in the stock market is now a foreign investor, not a domestic investor. In fact, looking at each shareholder, the share of foreigners is about 30%, but looking at sales transactions in the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, about 68% are foreign investors.

3. “Lost 30 years” has hit people’s lives directly. Starting in November 1997 when Yamaichi Securities and others went bankrupt, employment and wages continued to decline. In order to increase profits for the time being, companies curbed wages and dismantled employment. The percentage of non-regular employment reached nearly 40%.

4. Education open to everyone enhances social mobility. Conversely, if educational opportunities are not guaranteed, disparities will be fixed. The middle class strives to raise children’s educational expenses so that they can go to college. However, the overall decline in income gave birth to those who could not afford to pay for education. Now, more and more people are going to high school and university with interest-bearingk scholarships, and they are suffering from the heavy repayment burden. Without regular employment, young people will not be able to repay and fall into poverty.

5. Underlying the problem is the reality that only Asia has continued its economic growth since the Lehman shock, and China is strengthening its ties with the region.

6. The Abe administration uses three types of populism: dissemination, disguise, and helplessness. The foundation of this is the “credit creation” of central banks that do not consider exits. Based on the inflation target theory, the BOJ has set a policy target of “a price increase of 2% in two years”, doubled its monetary base in two years, and doubled its holdings of long-term government bonds.

7. The reason why Abenomics is “the mouse course without exit” is that as soon as the Bank of Japan quits monetary easing, government bond prices fall, interest rates rise, and financial institutions including the Bank of Japan hold large losses.

8. The BOJ has maintained a stock price by buying not only government bonds but also a large number of stocks. Historically, it is unusual for a central bank to buy a large amount of risk assets.

9. Abenomics led to accelerated industrial decline, persistent trade deficits, continued decline in real wages and real household spending, declining birthrate and aging and regional decline, bank management pressure and financial crisis risk, central bank functional paralysis .

10. The first issue to be addressed is to clear the post-war “irresponsible system” and restore the transparent and fair rules that form the foundation of society.

11. Educational opportunities must be guaranteed equally.

12. Create industrial strategy and open platform

13. Switch to a regional distributed network system

14. While responding to consumer needs, agriculture will be turned into “farming agriculture” centered on “sixth industrialization” that links production, distribution, and processing on a regional basis, and “energy-shared business” that generates renewable energy.

未来への大分岐 資本主義の終わりか、人間の終焉か』 マルクス・ガブリエル  集英社新書
342ページ 2019.8










9・「コンドラチェフの波」の循環をみてみると、1790年ごろに始まる第1波(蒸気機関)、1848年の第2波(鉄道、電信)、1890年の第3波(重工業、電気工学)、1940年の第4波(原子力、コンピュータ)、1990年の第5波(情報技術) まで新しいテクノロジーが現れるたび、新しい景気変動が起こっていたことが分かる。




“A major branch to the future: the end of capitalism or the end of humanity?” Marx Gabriel Shueisha Shinsho
342 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. The modern society is faced with many problems such as debt crisis, extreme right populism and climate change that cannot be seen.

2. However, hate speech is overflowing on the Internet, and fake news distorts the facts and delays the response to the crisis. In addition, GAFA’s iconic platform monopoly threatens information privacy, and Amazon and Uber create precarious, low-wage labor, exacerbating the gap between rich and poor.

3. In short, technology is not neutral. Technology is a means of structuring knowledge and power and reorganizing the world for profit.

4. Therefore, even if the rapid development of information technology connects people all over the world to a horizontal and simultaneous network and is a source of numerous innovations and value creation, it does not regulate new technologies. However, if we are just accelerating technology, what is waiting is “cyber dictatorship” or “digital feudalism”.

5. The era of singularity may bring about the “end of man” if universal human rights, freedom and equality are denied.

6. Educating philosophical thinking is an urgent issue, as there is a growing tendency to rely on strong leaders, populists. Modern education systems do not teach children to think philosophically. All children should be able to receive philosophy education.

7. It is impossible to leave ethical judgments to AI. It is necessary for human beings to be human and think ethically. This requires philosophy and ethics class education.

8. If principles are required for ethics, universal principles are necessary. It’s like Kant’s statistic.

9.Looking at the circulation of “ Kondrachev’s Wave ”, the first wave (steam engine) that started around 1790, the second wave in 1848 (railway, telegraph), the third wave in 1890 (heavy industry, electrical engineering) ), The fourth wave of 1940 (nuclear power, computer), and the fifth wave of 1990 (information technology), every time new technology appears, it turns out that a new economic fluctuation occurred.

10. The key to rescue democracy from the crisis is the experience of co-determining “common” as ours.

11. AI denies people’s freedom and thoroughly manages the mass as an object, while creating an atmosphere where authoritarian leaders such as Trump are good at directing hate to others. It may be “the end of man” that is waiting when both are connected to reality.

12. Who will use the technology and how will the technology be restricted as needed? It is not enough to leave these problems to experts, and technological developments do not automatically solve them. That’s why it becomes an important issue to change the platform that GAFA dominates for rent acquisition into a “common” platform.

日本近現代史講義』 山内昌之 中公新書 310ページ 2019.8








7・敗戦直後の 最重要課題は体制選択であった。戦争直後であったために憲法9条の「非武装条項」がこの段階で確定してしまったことはマイナスであった。







“Modern History of Japan” Masayuki Yamauchi, Chuko Shinsho, 310 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. What is needed for historical recognition in East Asia? Even though it is difficult to achieve that ideal, it is possible for at least Japanese people, and the points to be confirmed in principle are not so difficult. First of all, if there are strengths and weaknesses to each other, it will be an effort to evaluate the strengths and tolerate the weaknesses.

2. The Japan-British Alliance, concluded two years before the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, linked the fate of two maritime nations, Britain and Japan, sandwiching the Russian Empire. As such, if the Russo-Japanese War is positioned in the composition of geopolitical conflict between the maritime and continental states in the Eurasian continent, the British-Germany conflict in the next two World Wars, and the Cold War It can be seen that this will lead to a composition of conflict between the US and Britain and the Soviet Union.

3・The world history of 20th centuries was characterized by a conflict between the continental state and the maritime state over the outer edge of the Eurasian continent, from a geopolitical perspective.

4. In that sense, it can be understood that the Japanese actions in the Russo-Japanese War that prevented the hegemonic expansion of the continental state on the Eurasian continent provided a prototype of international relations in the subsequent 20th century.

5. If you ask “What is history”, there may be various answers, including  Kar “What is history” that expresses history as “dialogue between the past and the present”. As a way of understanding, it will be a “map on the time axis”. Ordinary maps are drawn according to the spatial axis, but the history is drawn by replacing it with the time axis.

6. It is difficult to get a general sense of direction in historical research focusing on details. Detailed facts are cut off to some extent, the origin of “present” is shown in the time axis, and an “overhead view” that tells the future direction is required.

7. The most important issue immediately after the defeat was the system selection. It was negative that the “unarmed clause” of Article 9 of the Constitution was finalized at this stage because it was just after the war.

The Korean War began in June 1950, and the United States, which participated as a United Nations army, and China, which participated in the war as a militia army, were confronted. As a result, the US committed to the security of the Korean peninsula, including the presence of the US military in Korea, but it became a plus for Japan’s security. The fact that it was difficult to set up an original relationship was negative.

9. Japan’s diplomacy as an economic power is certainly a certain success from the 1970s to the 1980s. The first was the phrase “Pacific Rim” and “Asia Pacific”, which took the initiative to bring together regional international relations centered on the economy. Second, as the first developed country in the non-Western world, including the G7, it contributed to international economic cooperation.

10. The international order is a public good, and it can be evaluated that the success of Japan’s diplomacy itself is the fact that the economic powers have to pay a reasonable burden to maintain it.

11. In the 1980s, however, historical problems with Asian countries that had been dealt with based on economic cooperation became political conflicts. Against this backdrop, circumstances such as the rise of nationalism accompanying the economic growth of Asian countries and the attitude toward Japan became an excuse for criticizing the power and struggling for power.

12. The bubble collapse and the Gulf War that occurred in parallel with the end of the Cold War shook Japan’s identity after the war.

13. Japan’s political attempts to rapidly introduce global standards while the political and economic system is weak led to a decline in international influence.

何のための教養か』 桑子俊雄 ちくまプリマー新書 182ページ 2019.7

















“Education for what?” Toshio Kuwako Chikuma Primer Shinsho 182 pages 2019.7

The essence is summarized.

1. Liberal arts is a comprehensive and integrated knowledge that leads to excellent options and is the foundation of thoughtfulness.

2. The beginning of the discussion is the word “Academic is a decoration when you are lucky, but a lifeline when you are unlucky” by Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher.

3. If you compare a human being to a single tree, the root of it is liberal arts.

4 ・ Educated people can protect themselves by making better choices and realize a better life.

5. Aristotle considered the best state that all human beings wished for when human beings realized their abilities to the fullest.

6. In short, “advanced culture” is not a culture of decoration, nor is it a system that is subordinate to a specialized institution, but is a thinking ability to overcome the challenges facing modern society.

7. Aristotle called “Sofia” the intellectual ability related to nature recognition, and “Fronesis” the ability related to human choice.

8. Aristotle saw humans as “social animals”. Considering from the theory of intellectual ability, literary fusion is the state where Sophia and Phronesis coexist and are deeply linked to each other.

9. When a huge network functions autonomously in conjunction with AI and robot technology, it appears that it will step into the boundary area between Sophia and Phronesis, as distinguished by Aristotle. This is because when artificial intelligence can autonomously judge and choose, it now looks like a kind of Phronesis.

10. Sonoko teaches that the secret to winning the battle is not prayer or fortune-telling, but historical knowledge, scientific perception, and human information. We think we have to search for the key to solving problems in real-world relationships, not in knowledge on the desk.

11 ・ Understand and consider the current issues, understand the concepts and theories that are clues for selection and judgment, and appropriately and effectively use the information necessary to operate as an ethical subject from various materials. Technology to investigate and summarize.

12. To solve various problems in modern society, apply the basic principles in public space and the ideas and clues to make selections and judgments. Ability to make decisions and to discuss what was envisioned with a view to consensus building and social participation.

13. As a person living in the modern society who develops an attitude of proactively solving various problems of the present age with a view to realizing a better society and is cultivated through multifaceted and multifaceted consideration and deep understanding Awareness of the way of life, as a citizen who lives in a public space and assumes national sovereignty. Awareness of importance.

14. Learning starts only when you realize that you don’t know anything.

15. Drucker and culture
Management has traditionally been called a liberal arts. Liberal deals with the fundamentals of knowledge, self-knowledge, wisdom and leadership. Art is because it is practice and application. Managers are required to have practical integrated knowledge that uses all the knowledge and insights of the humanities and social sciences such as psychology and philosophy, economics and history, and ethics as well as natural sciences.

哲学用語辞典 世界のエリートが教養として身につける』 小川仁志 SB Creative 218ページ


1・ロゴス 論理的な言葉 ヘラクレイトス、アリストテレス
2・イデア 理想像 プラトン
3・形而上学 自然の原理を度外視して考える学問 アリストテレス
4・主体/客体 行為者/相手 カント
5・イドラ 思い込み ベーコン
6・帰納法/演繹法 事例から法則を導く方法/結論から応用する方法 ベーコン、デカルト
7・アポリア 永遠に答えの出ない難題 アリストテレス、デリタ
8・中庸 ほどほど 孔子、アリストテレス
9・タブラ・ラサ 白紙の心、 合理論 生得観念、経験論タブラ・ラサ ロック、デカルト
10・観念論 世界は私たちが頭の中でつくりあげたものだとする考え。 カント、ヘーゲル
11・物自体 人間には知り得ないこと、カント
12・定言命法 無条件の義務 カント
13・弁証法 ものごとを発展させる論理、テーゼ、アンチテーゼ、ジンテーゼ、止揚する アウフヘーベン、ヘーゲル
14・絶対精神 人間の意識の到達点 ヘーゲル
15・自然状態 権威が存在しない状態 ホップス
16・現象学 無心で頭に浮かんだものの中にこそ真実があるとする考え、フッサール
17・心身二元論 心と身体は別だとする考え デカルト、メルロ=ポンティ
18・両義性 身体のコントロールできる側面とそうでない側面 メルロ=ポンティ
19・純粋持続 心の中の時間の感覚 ベルクソン
20・純粋経験 経験に先立つ原初の状態 ジェームス、西田幾多郎
21・経済 =生産手段、生産活動(下部構造)、思想・法点では政治制度(上部構造) 唯物史観、
22・シーニュ 記号としての言葉 ソシュール
23・構造主義 物事を全体の仕組みで考える立場 レヴィ=ストロース
24・ブリコラージュ 即興 レヴィ=ストロース
25・ポスト構造主義 差異を重視すると現代思想の総称 デリタ、ドゥルーズ
26・脱構築 一からやり直すこと デリタ
27・差延 違いを生み出す原動力 デリタ
28・否定弁証法 あえてものごとをまとめない思考法のこと アドルノ
29・決定論 人間に自由はないとする考え、 ラプラス
30・分析哲学 言葉の意味の分析を重視する哲学 ラッセル、ウィトゲンシュタイン
31・イデオロギー 思想の傾向 マルクス
32・ポピュリズム みんなが持っている主張を代弁しているという傲慢な態度 ミュラー
33・反知性主義 知性と権威の結びつきに対する批判 ホフスタッター
34・功利主義 快楽の量で正しさを決める立場 最大多数の最大幸福を求める思想 ベンサム、ミル
35・効果的な利他主義 人助けは最大の効果を生む方法でやるのが正しい シンガー
36・新自由主義 自由放任を意味する古典的自由主義に対して、同じ自由主義でもむしろ個の自由実現のために社会的公正を重視 ミル、ハイエク
37・リバタリアニズム 個人の自由を極端に重視する立場 ノージック
38・リベラリズム 中立な立場から判断する思想 ロック、ロールズ
39・無知のヴェール 法理的に正しさを判断するための前提 ロールズ
40・コミュニタリアニズム 共同体の美徳を重視する立場 マッキンタイア、サンデル
41・ナショナリズム 国民国家を重視する立場 ゲルナー、アンダーソン、スミス
42・リベラル・ナショナリズム リベラルな価値は国家の文化的背景に影響を受けているという立場
43・プラグマティズム 役に立つのが正しいとする考え デューイ、ジェームスジェームス、ローティ

44・ポストモダン 近代を批判的にとらえる現代思想 リオタール
45・公共哲学 社会への道かかわり方を考える営み アーレント、ハーバーマス
46・一般意志 社会の基板をつくる共通の利益 ルソー
47・パノプティコン  権力による一方的な監視の仕組み フーコー
48・マルチチュード 世界を支配する権力に抵抗しようとする民衆の力 ネグリ、ハート
49・インフォメーションコクーン 反対意見のないネット上の心地よい空間 サンスティーン
50・人新世 これまでとは違う病んだ地球という大前提 クルッツエン
51・エピステーメー 知の枠組み フーコー
52・構想力 技術によって創造する力 カント、三木清
53・反証可能性 嘘が証明できる可能性 ホパー
54・ゲシュテル 技術の発展が人間を見巻き込んでいくこと ハイデガー
55・新実在論 物事は思ったとおりに存在しているという立場 フェラーリス、ガブリエル
56・意味の場 物事が意味を持って現れる場 ガブリエル
57・相関主義 物事は人間との相関的な関係によってのみ存在しうるという考え方 カント、メイヤース
58・思弁的実在論 物事は人間の認識とは無関係に存在しうる メイヤース、ブラシェ
59・オブジェクト指向存在論 世界はモノだけでできているという立場に ハーマン
60・新しい唯物論 物質を中心に世界を考える立場 デランダ、ダゴニェ
61・ポスト・ヒューマニティーズ 非人間中心主義の人知の枠組み ブライドッティ
62・トランス・ヒューマニズム 身体能力の飛躍的拡張を肯定する立場 ポストロム
63・心の哲学 心とは何かを考える哲学 デカルト
64・自然主義 人間は自然に支配されているという立場 チャーチランド
65・機能主義 心は機能によって定義できると考える立場 アームストロング
66・クオリア 主観的に経験される感覚 チャーマーズ、ネーゲル
67・哲学的ゾンビ 意識はあるが主観的な経験を欠く人間 チャーマーズ
68・シンギュラリティ AIが人間の認識能力を超える段階に至ること カーツワイル、シャナハン
69・ホモ・デウス テクノロジーによってアップグレードされた人間 ハラリ
70・フレーム問題 関係者することとそうでないことをどうやって決めるか デネット
71・アフォーダンス 知覚が行動のための情報を提供することと ギブソン
72・メディオロジー  技術が文化に与える影響を受け考える学問 スティグレート
73・超監視社会 プライバシーのない社会 シュナイアー、バウマン
74・フィルターバブル 自分の好みの情報のみに包囲されてしまう状況 パリサー
75・加速主義 資本主義を徹底することでその問題を克服しようとする考え方 スルニチェク、ランド
76・ゼノフェミニズム テクノロジーによってジェンダーの解放を唱える立場 へスター
77・反出生主義 人間は生まれてこない方がいいとする立場 ショーペンハウアー
78・アート・パワー 無限の批評的力 フロイス
79・人類学の存在論的転回 人類における認識から存在感への着眼点の大転換 カストロ
80・宇宙倫理 宇宙と人間のかかわりを考えるための倫理 リビングストン
81・問答法 質問することで本質につい近づく方法 ソクラテス
82・エートス 習慣によって培われた精神 アリストテレス
83・フィリア 友愛 アリストテレス
84・間柄 ひととの関係に於ける個人 和辻哲郎
85・コミュニケーション的行為 理想的な開かれた対話行為 ハーバーマス
86・言語ゲーム 文脈を読む会話 ウィトゲンシュタイン
87・哲学プラクティス 哲学を社会において実戦すること リップマン
88・熟議 徹底的に議論すること フィシュキン
89・いき 垢抜けして、張りのある、色っぽさ 九鬼周造
90・世界内存在 世界とかかわりながら生きること ハイデガー
91・人倫 心とシステムが一体になったもの ヘーゲル
92・イリア すべてが自分とは無関係に存在している状態 レビイナス
93・相互承認 互いの存在を認め合うこと ヘーゲル
94・鏡像段階 鏡に映った自分を見て自我が発生した段階 ラカン
95・リゾーム ネットワーク場の思考様式 ドゥルーズ
96・ルサンチマン 負け惜しみ ニーチェ
97・ペシミズム 物事をつねに最悪の状態であるかのように捉えるタイドプール ショーペンハウアー
98・実存主義 自分で人生を切り開いていくべきだという考え キルケゴール、サルトル
99・アウラ 近寄りがたい雰囲気 ベンヤミン
100・メタ倫理学 倫理の前提を問い直す学問 ムーア
Philosophy Glossary The world’s elite learns as a culture ”Hitoshi Ogawa SB Creative, page 218

The essence is summarized.

1. Logos Logical words Heraclitos, Aristotle
2.Idea reasoning Plato
3. Metaphysics Aristotle who thinks about the principle of nature without considering it
4 ・ Subject / Object Actor / Partner Kant
5 Hydra’s belief Bacon
Whether you are not sticking to your claims, whether you are judging only by your own values, whether your word of mouth is trustworthy, or whether you are relying on power.
6. Inductive / Deductive Methods Deriving Laws from Cases / Applying from Conclusions Bacon, Cartesian
7 ・ Aporia A difficult challenge that will never be answered Aristotle, Delita
8 ・ Nakajo
9. Tabla Lhasa Blank Heart, Gospel Theory Innate Concept, Empirical Theory Tabla Lhasa Rock, Cartesian
10. Idealism The idea that the world was created in our heads. Kant, Hegel
11. Things themselves Things that humans cannot know, cant
12. Statement of imperative law Unconditional obligation Kant
13. Dialectics Logic to develop things, thesis, antithesis, synthesizer, deflation aufheben, hegel
14. Absolute spirit The point of human consciousness Hegel
15. Natural state No authority exists Hops
16. Phenomenology Husserl thinks that there is truth in what is involuntary and comes to mind
17. Mind-body dualism The idea that mind and body are different Descartes, Merlot-Ponty
18. Ambiguity Aspects that the body can control and those that don’t
19. Pure Persistence Sense of Time in the Mind Bergson
20 ・ Pure experience Original state prior to experience James, Kitaro Nishida
21. Economy = Production means, production activity (substructure), political system (superstructure) in terms of ideas and laws, material history view,
22. Signage Words as symbols Saussure
23. Structuralism Levi-Strouss
24 Bricolage Improvisation Levi Strauss
25. Post-structuralism A general term for contemporary thoughts when emphasizing the difference Delita, Deleuze
26. Deconstruction Starting from scratch Delita
27 ・ Denomination The driving force that creates the difference Delita
28 ・ Negative Dialectic Adorno is a thinking method that does not put things together
29. Determinism Laplace, thinking that there is no freedom
30. Analytical Philosophy Philosophy emphasizing the analysis of the meaning of words Russell, Wittgenstein
31. Ideology The tendency of thought Marx
32. Populism An arrogant attitude that he is speaking for the claims that everyone has Müller
33. Anti-intellectism Criticism of the link between intelligence and authority Hofstadter
34. Utilitarianism A position to determine the correctness by the amount of pleasure Bentham, Mill
35 ・ Effective altruism Singers are right to help people in the most effective way
36 Neo-liberalism In contrast to classical liberalism, which means liberation, even in the same liberalism, emphasis is placed on social justice for the realization of individual freedom. Mill, Hayek
37. Libertarianism Positions that place extreme importance on individual freedom Nosic
38. Liberalism Thoughts from a neutral standpoint Rock, Rolls
39.Veil of ignorance Premises to judge legally correct Rawls
40 ・ Communityarianism A position that emphasizes the virtues of the community McIntyre, Sandel
41. Nationalism Emphasis on the nation-state Gerner, Anderson, Smith
42 Liberal nationalism Liberal values are influenced by the national cultural background
43. Pragmatism Dewey, James James, Rorty

44. Postmodern Modern thought that critically captures modernity Riotar
45. Public philosophy Working to think about how to get involved in society Arendt, Habermas
46. General Will Common Benefits of Creating Social Substrates Rousseau
47. Panopticon Unilateral monitoring mechanism by power Foucault
48. Multitude The power of the people to resist the power that dominates the world Negri, Heart
49 Information Cocoon A comfortable space on the net without disagreement Sunsteen
50 ・ Ninsei The big premise of a diseased earth different from before
51 ・ Episuteme Knowledge Framework Foucault
52. Conceptual power Creating power through technology Kant, Kiyoshi Miki
53 ・ Possibility of rebuttal Possibility of proving lies Hopper
54. Gestel The development of technology will involve humans Heidegger
55. The New Realism The view that things exist as expected Ferrarith and Gabriel
56. The place of meaning The place where things appear with meaning Gabriel
57 ・ Correlationism The idea that things can only exist through a correlative relationship with humans Kant, Mayers
58. Speculative Realism Things can exist independently of human perception
59. Object Oriented Ontology Herman is in a position where the world is made of only things
60 ・ New Materialism Standing in the world with a focus on matter Delanda, Dagonye
61 Post-Humanities Nonhuman-centric framework of human knowledge Brittatti
62 ・ Trans humanism A position to affirm the dramatic expansion of physical ability
63. Philosophy of the mind Philosophy of thinking about what the heart is Descartes
64. Naturalism Position that human beings are ruled by nature Churchland
65. Functionalism Standing in the view that the mind can be defined by function Armstrong
66 Qualia Subjective experience sensed Charmers, Nagel
67. Philosophical Zombies People who are conscious but lack subjective experience Charmers
68 ・ Singularity AI reaches the level of human recognition Kurzweil, Shanahan
69 Homo Deus A human being upgraded with technology
70. Frame problem How to decide what to do and what to not
71. Affordance Gibson with perception providing information for action
72 ・ Mediology Academic studies influenced by the influence of technology on culture Stigrate
73 ・ Super surveillance society Society without privacy Schneier, Baumann
74 ・ Filter Bubble Situation where only your favorite information is surrounded
75. Acceleration principle The idea of overcoming the problem by thorough capitalism
76 ・ Xenofeminism Starring gender liberation with technology
77. Anti-birthism Position that humans should not be born Schopenhauer
78 Art Power Infinite Critical Power Floyce
79. Ontological turn of anthropology A major shift from perception to presence in mankind Castro
80. Space ethics Ethics for thinking about the relationship between the universe and humans Livingstone
81 ・ Question and Answer Method Socrates approaching the essence by asking questions
82 ・ Ethos Aristotle cultivated through customs
83 Philia Friendship Aristotle
84. Interpersonal personal relationship with people Tetsuro Wada
85 ・ Communication act Ideal open dialogue act
86 ・ Language game Context reading conversation Wittgenstein
87 ・ Philosophy Practice Practicing philosophy in society Lippmann
88 ・ Consideration Thorough discussion Fiskin
89 Iki
90. Existence in the world Living with the world Heidegger
91 ・ Humanity A combination of heart and system Hegel
92 ・ Ilia The state where everything exists unrelated to me Levinas
93. Mutual recognition Recognizing each other’s existence Hegel
94. Mirror image stage The stage where ego occurred when looking at himself in the mirror
95. Rhizome Network Field Thinking Deleuze
96 ・ Roussanthiman losing sadness Nietzsche
97 Pessimism Tidepool Schopenhauer always captures things as if they were in the worst state
98 ・ Existentialism The idea that you should open your own life Kirkegaard, Sartre
99 ・ Aura Benjamin
100 Meta-ethics Study to rethink the premise of ethics Moore

人生が変わるすごい地理』 角田陽一郎 KADOKAWA
262ページ 2019.8


1・ 人類は、誕生以来、常に環境と因果応報(=地理)を学ぶことで、進化・発展してきた。つまり、人類と地理の関係を学べば、そしてその地理から授かった環境への知見を人生にフィードバックすれば、人生の成功の鍵を手に入れることができる。





6・世界三大穀物といえばトウモロコシ、米、小麦。このうち米は温暖湿潤で、水持ちのいい湿ったところでよく育つ。大部分の米は、作られた国で食べられるが、小麦は生産国と消費国が違う 。




“Great geography that will change your life” Yoichiro Kakura KADOKAWA
 262 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. Since human beings, human beings have evolved and developed by constantly learning about the environment and causal response (= geography). In other words, if you learn about the relationship between humankind and geography, and if you feed back your knowledge of the environment from that geography to your life, you can get the key to your success.

2. Output more to your intellectual environment.

3. “Geographical thinking” is a way of thinking that estimates what is not known by projecting it to the next action by applying it in various ways with the information you know as the axis.

4 ・ When thinking is time slipped from ancient times to the present, Japanese people may be able to understand it differently.

5. The average temperature in Tokyo is about 15-17 degrees, and the annual water volume is about 1500 millimeters. The world’s average temperature and precipitation are about 15-17 degrees Celsius, and 600-800 millimeters of water annually. In other words, Tokyo has an average temperature and doubles precipitation.

6. The world’s three largest grains are corn, rice and wheat. Of these, rice is warm and humid, and grows well in humid places. Most rice can be eaten in the country where it is made, but wheat is produced and consumed differently.

7. It is important that you are in a whirlwind as you enter the information revolution. There is no entity in itself, and various people gather around you, apply various actions to yourself, and create various things from yourself. Building such a system may mean living in the future environment.

8. First, we understand that the world is an unorganized human society, and think that each country is the same as an individual. It is not controlled from above. Recognizing that primitive and barbaric human relationships are manifested is a geographical thinking concept.

9. What is necessary to live in a complex and strange world is to be tolerant of others.

日本の未来をつくる言葉 小泉進次郎 鈴木 まこと 扶桑社新書 274、 247ページ 2019.9 第2刷

















“Words to Create the Future of Japan Shinjiro Koizumi Suzuki Makoto Fusosha Shinsho 247 pages 2019.9 Second Printing

The essence is summarized.

1. Shinjiro gained diplomatic power during his time as an international student and researcher in the United States.

2. The constituency that was inherited from his father was built to be even stronger.

3. Contributed to support for the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

4. The necessity of agricultural reform was preached to farmers and agricultural cooperatives, and support was expanded.

5. The Koizumi Subcommittee summarized the social security after 2020.

6. At the concept meeting, “Team Koizumi” was brought together in the spirit of reform of the governance structure.

7. Stand in the same perspective as the audience.

8. Include local material.

9. Value the child-rearing generation.

10 ・ Tomorrow from today, always move forward.

11. Create innovation and create a new Japanese development model.

12・Respect John F. Kennedy. “I  ask not what the country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country. 

13. Why is Kennedy, the former president of the United States, most popular? He puts up his ideal ideal, stands up to what seems impossible, and does not bend his belief even if his aides oppose it. And by showing moral norms such as human peace, eradicating poverty, and racism, we don’t give up on the real challenges in front of you, even the challenges that make everyone stop thinking. I think it was because it was.

14. Many people in the media are not aware that the media itself is power. I often say that media work is monitoring and checking for power, but that media is power.

15. Without the developmen

知らないと恥をかく世界の大問題』 池上 彰、角川新書 270ページ 2019.6


1・2018年、10月のペンス米国副大統領の保守系シンクタンク、ハドソン研究所の演説は、中国への宣戦布告。 米中の関係が劇的に変わる、まさに歴史の転換期。







8・ 5Gの分野で、アメリカは中国に絶対に主導権を握らせたくない。5Gで勝った国が世界を制する。

9・ iPhoneが「メイドインチャイナ」なら、ファーウェイは「メイドインジャパン」と言うほどファーウェイの携帯には日本製の部品が搭載されている。







16・中国は「世界覇権 100年戦略。アメリカを追い抜く超大国を目指す。前代未聞の監視社会が完成しつつある。

“A major problem in the world, shameful if you don’t know” Akira Ikegami, Kadokawa Shinsho 270 pages 2019.6

The essence is summarized.

1 ・ The speech of Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank of US Vice President Pence in October 2018, declared war on China. The relationship between the United States and China changes dramatically.

2. If there is a rapidly growing country where there is a hegemony state with great power, there will be a clash between the traditional hegemony state that wants to suppress it and the country that wants to take over the new hegemony. American political scientist Allison named it “Tucudius’s trap”. Beginning with Athens vs. Sparta, World War I was a war that Germany challenged the hegemonic state of England. Looking back on past history, it is analyzed that large wars were often caused by the change of hegemony states.

3. The anti-globalism and anti-elite mood is growing in the world now.

4. The reason why French President Macron is disliked is the elite consciousness and the top view.

5. President Trump has no interest in the Middle East in the first place. With the shale revolution in the United States, oil production surpassed Saudi Arabia and became the number one in the world. No more relying on the Middle East. In the US, only Israel should be protected.

6. Saudi and Israel suddenly approach with “Iran siege”.

7. The United States is concerned that Turkey is rapidly becoming Islamic under President Erdogan. The interests of Russia and Turkey agree.

8・in the 5G field, the US never wants China to take the lead. The country that won 5G will win the world.

9. If the iPhone is “Made in China”, Huawei is “Made in Japan” and Huawei ’s mobile phone is equipped with Japanese parts.

19. Also it became possible to serve a Jintao in the -習近 Xiaoping life.

11. China, which was behind Japan, jumped over Japan and reached a cashless society all at once. This is called “leapfrog phenomenon”.

12. Murder AI weapons change the battlefield.

13. It is not an idea of what kind of work young people should choose from now on, but what kind of work they want to do, what they want to learn, and how they want to work.

14. AI and other technological innovations are meaningless unless they make people happy. If AI runs out of control, humans can control it.

15. A world that deepens the level of confusion. There are piles of issues such as terrorism, conflicts, movements to exclude other ethnic groups, environmental issues, poverty issues, as well as clash of “home country first” among major powers.

16. China said, “World hegemony 100-year strategy. Aiming to become a superpower that overtakes the United States. An unprecedented surveillance society is being completed.

人を動かす最高の言葉』 日経ビジネス編 日系BP 326ページ 2019.8



















“The best words to move people” Nikkei Business Edition Nikkei BP 326 pages 2019.8

The essence is summarized.

1. The qualities that were born after all are the greatest.

2. What the president of the site has to do is not to teach the top management’s knowledge to the successor, but to direct the seeds of innovation from below.

3. The root of leadership is to listen to and understand the other’s opinions, and to have them understand.

4. How to leave the system of values that can be said to be the backbone of a company as a gene in an organization.

5. Work is to polish yourself. Before discussing education, children and young people need to be taught the value and significance of labor.

6. There are two directions of movement in the world: the “trend axis” and the “progress axis”.

7. If you teach the basics and leave it to the person, you will be naturally motivated.

8. A person who is obsessed with something interesting sprinkles something like an intense “pleasure substance” around him.

9. If you get the status and want to do big things, gather the shade.

10 ・ Think from the other person’s standpoint and act on your own. It polishes the strong tissue body.

11. Invention is the creation of new things from the principles themselves, as Edison came up with electric lights, but innovation is a refinement of its merchantability or manufacturing method. More important for companies now is innovation than intervention.

12 The science was created in the West. However, the Japanese have not been able to understand the underlying “Science of Science” because they are obsessed with the results of science. The mind of science is the ability to think about things logically.

13. The Japanese should now think through the mind of science, what is the problem, what they do not know, and where there are limitations. Instead of solving a given problem, find the problem you want to solve yourself and approach the core. Clarify the limits and try to challenge.

14. You must have seniors and friends who can tell you, including advice. Even managers who can work have a lot of friends.

15. The basics of management are straight on.

16. A company that combines strength and virtue is ideal. Now it is “Theory and Technology”.

17. Eiji Yoshikawa ’s masterpiece of the period novel “Miyamoto Musashi” is concluded with the following sentence. “Noisy is the norm of the world. Let the waves go well, swim well, sing small fish and dance small fish. But who knows, the heart of water under a hundred scales. The depth of the water.”
Whether it is economic or personal, there are good times and bad times. At that time, a lot of people are anxious about the ups and downs of the moment, but if you know the steep water flow that swells at the bottom, you should always be able to act calmly.

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